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  • assicurazioni generali


  • Dr . elio moccia , ceo generali employee benefits , brussels and dr . guglielmore callipari , managing director and regional manager generali employee benefits , frankfurt
    Generali忠利保险集团全球雇员福利部总裁elio moccia博士布鲁塞尔generali忠利保险集团全球雇员福利部区域总经理guglielmore callipari博士法兰克福
  • About 6 : 45 pm award ceremony on the outside staircase to the clubhouse : awarding of the two main prizes 1st netto und 1st brutto by dr . elio moccia , ceo of generali employee benefits , brussels and dr . guglielmore callipari , managing director and regional manager generali employee benefits , frankfurt as from 7 : 00 pm we invite you to a dinner in the clubhouse of gut kaden golf land club
    18 : 45在俱乐部主厅台阶前举行颁奖典礼,主赞助商generali忠利保险集团全球雇员福利部总裁elio moccia博士布鲁塞尔, generali忠利保险集团全球雇员福利部区域总经理guglielmore callipari博士法兰克福,为净杆第一1 . netto和总杆第一1 . brutto两项大奖的获得者颁奖
忠利保险的英文翻译,忠利保险英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译忠利保险,忠利保险的英文意思,忠利保險的英文忠利保险 meaning in English忠利保險的英文忠利保险怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。