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  • delhey


  • A similar thing could happen in the weddell sea
  • This implies that the total biodiversity of the weddell sea is enormous
  • The tropical rainforests and the weddell sea may , as it were , be polar opposites as habitats
  • The growing condition of euphausia superba were complex in the weddell sea region than that in the other two regions
    三个年度中威德尔海海区大磷虾的生长状况较其它两个海区复杂。 2
  • The collapse of the larsen b ice shelf two years ago has accelerated the flow of glaciers into the nearby weddell sea
    两年前崩塌的"守护神b "冰架巨大的浮动冰层加快了冰河流入附近的威德尔海的速度。
  • The diversity of life supported by unlit waters was a big surprise for antarctic researchers who conducted the survey in the weddell sea
  • In the weddell sea antarctica , the densest water in the oceans is formed as a result of this freezing process , which increases the salinity of cold water
  • Not yet named , the animal probably floated out to sea after it died and settled to the bottom of what was then a shallow area of the weddell sea , said judd case of st . mary ' s college of california
  • That is why the results of three german expeditions by the vessel polarstern to the weddell sea , published in the current issue of nature , are a big step forward
  • In the ross sea region the occurrence of euphansia superba was very low . there was interannual variation in the distribution of euphausia superba , and it seems that the abundance decreased from 1992 1993 to 1999 2000 in the weddell sea region
    大磷虾的丰度分布有年际性的变化, 1992 / 1993 , 1997 / 1998 , 1999 / 2000三个年度间威德尔海海区大磷虾的丰度有逐渐下降的趋势。
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