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  • I fancy the rains not so heavy . ilyin ran out and zdrzhinsky rode away
  • I cant stand this , though , said ilyin , noticing that rostov did not care for zdrzhinskys story ; stockings and shirt , and allim wet through
    发现罗斯托夫不喜欢兹德尔任斯基的谈话,伊林就说道, “袜子衬衫都湿透了。
  • Zdrzhinsky told then how raevsky had thrust his two sons forward on the dike under a terrific fire , and had charged at their side . rostov listened to the tale , and said nothing betokening sympathy with zdrzhinskys enthusiasm
  • The officer with the double moustaches , zdrzhinsky , in a very high - flown manner , described the dike at saltanov as the russian thermopylae , and the heroic deed of general raevsky on that dike as worthy of antiquity
  • And so he did not like zdrzhinskys story , and did not , indeed , like zdrzhinsky himself , who had , besides his unprepossessing moustaches , a habit of bending right over into the face of the person he was speaking to . he was in their way in the cramped little shanty . rostov looked at him without speaking
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