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  • cape province
  • kaap prov


  • University of the western cape
  • Recently , a new variety of clivia was discovered in northern cape , south africa . , its name is mirabilis
  • The cedarberg mountain range in the western cape is renowned for its rock - art legacy . it has around 130 documented bushman rock art sites
  • Nine years later , in 1862 , the standard bank was founded by a group of businessmen led by another scot , john paterson , who had emigrated to the cape province in south africa and had become a successful merchant
    九年后, 1862年,一批商人创办了标准银行,而带头的是移民到南非开普省的另一名苏格兰人约翰彼得森。
  • A combination of two or more arv drugs has been shown to be more effective than nevirapine in reducing mother - to - child hiv transmission , but the health department has yet to start using them except in the western cape province
  • James wilson went on to start the economist , still one of the world s pre - eminent publications . nine years later , in 1862 , the standard bank was founded by a group of businessmen led by another scot , john paterson , who had emigrated to the cape province in south africa and had become a successful merchant . both banks were keen to capitalize on the huge expansion of trade between europe , asia and africa and to reap the handsome profits to be made from financing that trade
    九年后, 1862年,一批商人创办了标准银行,而带头的是移民到南非开普省的另一名苏格兰人约翰?彼得森。两个银行都致力于投资欧亚非之间的巨大贸易以获得不少的利润。渣打银行在1858年于印度钦奈(亦“马德拉斯” )和孟买开启分行。


  • 开普省的法语:Province du Cap
  • 开普省的韩语:케이프주
  • 开普省的俄语:pinyin:kāipǔshěng Капская провинция (ЮАР)
  • 开普省的阿拉伯语:الكاب (مقاطعة);
  • 开普省的印尼文:provinsi tanjung;
  • 开普省什么意思:[Cape of Good Hope] 又称开普省(Cape Province),旧称开普殖民地(Cape Colony, 1826~1910)。 南非旧省,位于非洲大陆最南端,包括南非的南部和西部。首府开普敦。位于省境内的有西斯凯,以及特兰斯凯和博普塔茨瓦纳邦的部分地区。省名得自开普敦以南50千米的好望角。原住居民有班图人、桑人和科伊科伊人。1488年葡萄牙航海家B.迪亚斯到达非洲南端的岬角...


好望角省 (英语:Cape of Good Hope Province;南非语:Die Provinsie Kaap die Goeie Hoop),通称开普省 (英语:Cape Province;南非语:Kaapprovinsie)前身是开普殖民地,是南非联邦和南非共和国的四个省之一。首府开普敦。
开普省的英文翻译,开普省英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译开普省,开普省的英文意思,開普省的英文开普省 meaning in English開普省的英文开普省怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。