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  • connery


  • Twas murmur we did for a gallus potion would rouse a friar , i m thinking , and he limp with leching . and we one hour and two hours and three hours in connery s sitting civil waiting for pints apiece
    我们就乖乖儿地坐在康纳里283那儿,一个钟头,两个钟头,三个钟头地等下去,指望着每人喝上五六杯呢。 ”
  • To inaugurate a series of static , semistatic and peripatetic intellectual dialogues , places the residence of both speakers if both speakers were resident in the same place , the ship hotel and tavern , 6 lower abbey street w . and e . connery , proprietors , the national library of ireland , 10 kildare street , the national maternity hospital , 29 , 30 and 31 holles street , a public garden , the vicinity of a place of worship , a conjunction of two or more public thoroughfares , the point of bisection of a right line drawn between their residences if both speakers were resident in different places
    开始一系列静止的半静止的逍遥的理性的对话,在对谈者双方家中倘若对谈者双方住在同一处位于下阿贝街六号的“船记”饭店兼酒馆经营者为w和e .康纳里,基尔代尔街十一号的爱尔兰国立图书馆霍利斯街二十九三十与三十一号的国立妇产医院,一座公共花园,礼拜堂附近,两条或更多的街道交叉点,连接双方住宅的直线的中点倘若交谈者各住一处。


  • 康纳里什么意思:[Connery, Sean] 原名托马斯·康纳里(Thomas Connery)。 (1930.8.25,苏格兰 爱丁堡~) 苏格兰演员。曾打杂做零工并参加健美比赛,后来在《南太平洋》(1951)的合唱中第一次登上伦敦的舞台。演过若干小角色后,在I.弗莱明的《第七号情报员》(1962)的电影中主演J.邦德一角,并在其他6部电影中继续扮演秘密情报员007。康纳里是一个让人不得不信服的性格演员,又是...
康纳里的英文翻译,康纳里英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译康纳里,康纳里的英文意思,康納里的英文康纳里 meaning in English康納里的英文康纳里怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。