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  • 动词
    [书面语] (庇荫; 保护) extend protection


  • Pu songling ' s works of the three kingdoms subject
  • Being proficient in professional study with clear thinking
  • Mr . he zuoxiu
  • Proceedings of 2003 national seminar on strategy for the development of economic forest industry zeng y r , huang m r , wang m x . snp a new molecular marker
  • The upcoming era of solar energy , by mr . he zuoxiu , member of china academy of science , theoretical physics expert
  • Petroleum products . determination of hydrocarbon groups in petroleum plasticizers used in the rubber industry . clay - silica gel adsorption chromatographic method
  • Section 104 authorizes the president to provide for " removal " and " remedial " actions consistent with the national contingency plan ( ncp ) referred to in section 105
    第104条授权总统可采?扒啤被蛘呤恰安咕取毙卸? ?搿度? ? ?奔苹?肥且恢碌模?庖患苹?氲? 05条有关。
  • It ' s a chore he probably never thought he ' d be doing this season . and who could blame him for being taken by surprise ? this hurdle he ' s up against made history
  • The thesis discusses the reflection of the place of contemporary peasants stratum in the big media with the following conclusion : the media should give regard to peasants stratum , and in the social stratums the social class of peasants tends to decline
  • There are patterns of bats homophone of blessing and happiness in mandarin , cranes symbolize longevity in chinese culture and clouds on these columns . the couplet read " blessed the city when there is no wind and the river lays unruffled ; nourished the soldiers and civilians by the might of god and the rich resources from the river " was written by the famous general wang , de - u of cing dynasty
    ,柱上刻有蝙蝠(取谐音福) 、鹤(取其长寿)及祥云围绕,上面还刻有道光十六年丙申(西元一八三六年)水师提督王得禄敬撰的楹联浪静风平水陆均沾福泽,威灵赫渥军民尽感慈


  • 庥的日语:庥xiū 〈書〉 (1)木陰. (2)保護(する).
  • 庥的韩语:【문어】 (1)[명사] 나무 그늘. 수음(樹蔭). (2)[명사][동사]【전용】 보호(하다). 비호(庇護)(하다). (3)[동사] 쉬다. 휴식하다.
  • 庥的俄语:pinyin:xiū сущ. 1) тень, сень; защита, покровительство 2) вм. 休 (счастье; благоволение)
  • 庥什么意思:xiū ㄒㄧㄡˉ 1)庇荫,保护:~庇。~荫。 2)古同“休”,止息。 被泽蒙庥
庥的英文翻译,庥英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译庥,庥的英文意思,庥的英文庥 meaning in English庥的英文庥怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。