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  • balance check
  • balance test
  • balancing check
  • equilibrium test
  • "平衡"英文翻译    balance; equilibrium
  • "检查"英文翻译    check up; inspect; examine; ...
  • "两耳同时响度平衡检查" 英文翻译 :    biaural simultaneous loudness balance technique
  • "不平衡检验" 英文翻译 :    disequilibrium test
  • "平衡检波器" 英文翻译 :    balance detector; balanced detector
  • "平衡检验" 英文翻译 :    balance check; balance test
  • "平衡检验式" 英文翻译 :    balance check mode
  • "平衡检验台" 英文翻译 :    balancing table
  • "平衡检验状态" 英文翻译 :    balance check mode
  • "度量衡检查员" 英文翻译 :    inspector of weights and measures
  • "车轮静平衡检验" 英文翻译 :    car wheel static balance test
  • "轮对动平衡检验" 英文翻译 :    wheelset dynamic balance test
  • "偏压平衡检波器" 英文翻译 :    detector balanced bias
  • "膜片式压力平衡检测器" 英文翻译 :    diaphragm type pre ure balance detector; diaphragm type pressure balance detector
  • "砂轮静平衡检验方法及不平衡数值" 英文翻译 :    static balance testing for grinding wheels and unbalance value
  • "平衡" 英文翻译 :    balance; equilibrium 保持平衡 maintain one's equilibrium; keep one's balance; 发展不平衡 unbalanced development; uneven development; 平衡的全面发展规划 balanced overall development planning; 平衡工业发展布局 even out the distribution of industry; 供求平衡 equilibrium of supply and demand; 破坏心理上的平衡 upset one's equilibrium; 玩弄平衡 play the game of balancing between...; 稳定平衡 stable equilibrium; 失去平衡 lose one's balance; be in a state of imbalance; 收支平衡 balance between income and expenditure; 在大国之间搞平衡 balance between big powers; 平衡臂 balance bob; counter weight arm; 平衡变换器 balance converter; 平衡常数 equilibrium constant; 平衡传输 balanced transmission; 平衡电路 balanced circuit; balancing circuit; building-out circuit; 平衡舵 rudder balance; 平衡发展 balanced development; even growth; 平衡阀 [机械工程] balanced valve; compensation valve; holding valve; counterbalance valve; 平衡法 balancing method; balanced method; 平衡汇率 equilibrium rate of exchange; 平衡价格 equilibrium price; equation price; 平衡觉 sense of equilibrium; 平衡木 [体育] balance beam; 平衡膳食 [卫] balanced diet; 平衡调节 balance adjustment; 平衡调整 balance control; balance adjustment; 平衡预算 balanced budget; 平衡增长 balanced growth; 平衡中心 centre of equilibrium
  • "检查" 英文翻译 :    1.(用心查看) check up; inspect; examine; censor; survey rummage; review; jerque; docimasia 检查工作 check up on work; 检查护照 inspect sb.'s passport; 检查身体 have a physical examination; have a health check; have a medical check-up; 检查视力 test sb.'s eyesight; 检查行李 inspect [examine] sb.'s luggage; 检查帐目 check the account; audit the account; 检查质量 check on the quality of sth.; 检查设备 survey the equipment; 检查船只 rummage a ship; 检查一天的工作 review the day's work; 钡餐检查 barium meal examination; 常规检查 routine examination; 全身检查 general check-up; 体格检查 physical examination; physical [medical] check-up; 透视检查 examine by fluoroscopy; 卫生检查 sanitary inspection; check up on sanitation; inspect the sanitary conditions; 新闻检查 press censorship; 邮件[政] 检查 postal inspection; 做诊断检查 work up a patient; 把练习检查一遍再交。 look over exercises before handing them in. 检查屋顶时未发现渗漏。 an inspection of the roof showed no leaks.2.(检讨) self-criticism 写检查 write a self-criticism; 作检查 criticize oneself; make a self-criticism; 检查报告 inspection report; 检查井 inspection shaft [well]; manhole; 检查孔 inspection eye; access eye; access hole; inspection hole; sight hole; cleaning eye; access opening; inspection opening; inspection port; hand-hole; 检查团 inspection tours [party; team]; 检查仪 inspection tester; 检查员 inspector; surveyor; 检查站 checkpoint; checkpost; inspection station
  • "平衡,平衡状态" 英文翻译 :    balance
  • "平衡棒, 平衡器" 英文翻译 :    halteri balancer
  • "平衡棒,平衡器" 英文翻译 :    balancer
  • "平衡环,平衡架" 英文翻译 :    gimbals
  • "平衡器,平衡臂" 英文翻译 :    equalizer
  • "检查, 体格检查" 英文翻译 :    check-up
  • "检查床,检查台" 英文翻译 :    examining table
  • "检查井;检查坑" 英文翻译 :    inspection pit


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