think of this way and that; muse on sth.; be busy trying to think of ... ; be deep in thought; keep thinking; rack one's brains; think back and forth to oneself; think from different angles; think of this and that; turn sth. over in one's mind
左束支主干阻滞伴左前分支阻滞 block at main stem of left bundle branch with left anterior hemiblock
I thought it over and decided . 我左思右想,才拿定了主意。
Huck was silent for some time, engaged in a mental struggle . 哈克呆了一下没有做事,心里左思右想,不知怎么才好。
She blamed herself bitterly and reproached herself again and again . 她左思右想的考虑起来,把自己大大地埋怨一番。
Turn it over as jem would, he could not decide what was the best course to pursue . 杰姆左思右想,总是不能决定走那一条路好。
The more i thought of it the more i fell into a kind of morbid fascination with the possibility . 我左思右想,不禁对这种可能性愈来愈感到一种病态的迷恋。
It took some minutes for abner to comprehend this radical suggestion and he tried to piece its various components together in his mind . 艾布纳花了几分钟功夫左思右想,好不容易把这种新奇的主张拼凑出一个概念。
He reflected how to finish the work 他左思右想如何做完那工作。
He thought and thought until he came up with a good business plan 他左思右想,终于想出一个绝妙的生意点子。
Had always tormented him 总是让他左思右想
" but if he returns no more this winter , my choice will never be required “倘若他今年冬天不回来,我就用不着左思右想了。
左思右想的韩语:【성어】 여러 가지로 생각하다. 이리저리 생각하다. →[千qiān思万想] [穷qióng思极想]
左思右想的俄语:pinyin:zu?sīyòuxi?ng прикидывать в уме так и этак, раздумывать, всесторонне обдумывать
左思右想什么意思:zuǒ sī yòu xiǎng 【解释】想了又想。 【出处】明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第八十八回:“左思右想,欲求自脱之计。” 【示例】如此~,一时五内沸然。(清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第三十四回) 【拼音码】zsyx 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语;形容反复思考 【英文】turn something over in one's mind