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  • plant model


  • Lorenz system and mackey - glass time series are the examples for nonlinear system approximation problems , while iris data and wine data are taken as examples for classification problems
    分别是二阶非线性工厂模型, lorenz系统, mackey - glass时间序列, iris数据集和wine数据集。
  • To resolve the issues of object group ' s life cycle management and fault tolerance properties management , an object factory model is designed to load the objects dynamically , two kinds of member creation patterns are introduced , a set of fault tolerance properties are defined according to the common characteristics of the fault - tolerant system , and moreover a hierarchy model is proposed to enable the dynamic and flexible configuration
    ( 1 )针对复制管理必须解决的对象组生命周期管理和容错属性配置管理,本文设计了一个能够动态部署和创建对象的对象工厂模型;引入了对用户透明程度不同的两种成员创建模式? ?基础设施控制和用户控制;并围绕容错系统的共有特征定义了一组容错属性,设计了层次化的属性配置模型,允许应用动态灵活地配置容错属性。
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