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  • yukos


  • A new pattern of russian oil industry after yukos event
  • Shell ' s capitulation and the yukos case exemplify the state ' s ever - increasing role in the energy industry
  • In addition to mugging yukos , it has often intimidated its neighbours with threats to cut off their oil or gas supplies
  • In addition to mugging yukos , it has often intimidated its neighbours with threats to cut off their oil or gas supplies
  • Russia ' s embattled head of yukos oil , mikhail khodorkovsky , went to jail on charges of fraud and forgery and saw his fortune plunge
  • Oscow , july 3 - the headquarters of the embattled russian oil giant yukos were raided saturday by law enforcement officers , a day after the company said it was on the brink of financial ruin
  • Yukos ' s receiver eduard rebgun told reuters on friday the committee of creditors had decided to sell all of yukos ' s 1 , 135 petrol stations in a separate lot with a starting price of 7 . 7 billion roubles
  • Yukos ' s receiver eduard rebgun told reuters on friday the committee of creditors had decided to sell all of yukos ' s 1 , 135 petrol stations in a separate lot with a starting price of 7 . 7 billion roubles
  • The moscow appeal court said it could not continue the hearings because yukos , the co - defendant , had been liquidated , leaving pwc in limbo after months of pressure from the russian government
  • Mikhail khodorkovsky , russia ' s richest man turned jailed dissident after his conviction for fraud and tax evasion , has been moved from the comparative luxury of a three - man cell with television and fridge , to share a standard russian remand cell with 10 other men
    日前,沦为阶下囚的俄罗斯尤科斯公司前总裁米哈伊尔霍多尔科夫斯基在狱中待遇被降级,他已从配有电视和冰箱的“豪华” 3人间监房转到普通的11人间。
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