"down by the creek," said mr. helton, in his hollow voice . “在小溪边上,”希尔顿先生瓮声瓮气的说。
My friend and i had always chosen a pleasant place with a view or beside some stream in which to eat out lunch . 我和我的朋友总是选择景致好的地方或小溪边吃午饭。
" down by the creek , " said mr . helton , in his hollow voice “在小溪边上, ”希尔顿先生瓮声瓮气的说。
Along the trail , the buckaroos stayed in camps near a spring or stream 沿着小道,这些牛仔们住在靠近小河或小溪边的营区里。
Sandy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swift stream 桑迪坐在湍急的小溪边尽情地品味着葵花子的香味。
" mother , " said she , " was that the same minister that kissed me by the brook ? “妈妈, ”她说, “他就是那个在小溪边亲吻过我的牧师吗? ”
" mother , " said she , " was that the same minister that kissed me by the brook ? “妈妈, ”她说, “他就是那个在小溪边亲吻过我的牧师吗? ”
Every morning when the sun comes up , he goes to the stream near your house with a broom 每天太阳刚升起来的时候,他就拿着一把扫帚,去你家旁边的小溪边。
Before climbing it , i pulled over for a carbo intake session and a breather by the side of a nice creek 爬山前,我骑到一条小溪边,停下来补充能量和做深呼吸。
He didn ' t take the crabs to the kitchen , he took them to the shore and let them go in the little stream near his house 他并没有把螃蟹送到厨房,他来到了附近的小溪边,然后把螃蟹放生了。