Thus broadband communications network becomes a necessity 这使得通信网络的宽带化成为必然。
Therefore , it is urgent to build a digital intelligent broadband access network 因此,迫切需要接入网的建设实现数字化、宽带化、智能化。
The increasing demand for more bandwidth requires new transmitting media of better transportation quality 接入网的宽带化对传输介质的传输性能提出了越来越高的要求。
In all , the introduction of broadband communications has blazed a new trail for the legacy exchange network Pstn交换机的宽带化给传统运营商的网络演进开辟了一条新的道路。
To meet the demand on broad band services , the methods providing dual downstream channel in one cmts were studied in this thesis 为了适应宽带化的需要,本文探讨在一台cmts中提供两个下行信道的方法。
To accommodate the trend of a communications network increasingly going broadband and packetized , the design of pstn exchange has been under continued improvement 为了适应电信网络宽带化和分组化的趋势, pstn交换机在不断改进和发展。
With the rapid development of information technology ( it ) , especially the universal application of internet , broadband access networks ( an ) become more and more prevalent 信息产业的飞速发展,尤其是因特网的普遍应用,使宽带化成为接入网的发展趋势。
With the rapid development of information technology ( it ) , especially the universal application of internet , broadband access networks ( an ) become more and more prevalent 信息产业飞速发展,尤其是因特网的普遍应用,使宽带化成为接入网的发展趋势。
With the development of broadband network and medical information technology , the technique of computer , communication and medicine join much together 随着计算机网络的宽带化发展以及医疗信息技术的不断进步,计算机、通讯技术与医疗科学呈现紧密渗透趋势。
On the driveway to broadband , the two networks should fly their own colors on an equal footing to construct a splendid network landscape in the future 在向宽带化演进过程的过程中,两个网络都不可偏废,让它们各自发挥各自的优势,共同构架起未来的网络世界。