宠物 pet; pet animal 这条小狗是孩子们的宠物。 the small dog was a great pet with the boys
家庭 family; household; home 大家庭 big family; extended family; 富裕家庭 wealthy family; 核心家庭 nuclear family; 旧式家庭 old family; 小家庭 small family; 幸福家庭 happy family; 血亲家庭 con-san-guine family; 姻亲家庭 conjugal family; 他出身于什么样的家庭? of what family is he sprung?; 家庭保险 family insurance; 家庭背景 family background; 家庭成员 family members; 家庭承包责任制 family contracting responsibility system; 家庭承包制 household contract system; 家庭出身 class status of one's family; family origin; 家庭服务 domestic service; 家庭负担 family responsihousehood sideline production; domestic sideline occupations; domestic sidelines; cottage sideline production; 家庭工业 household industry; home industry; domestic industry; 家庭观念 attachment to one's family; 家庭教师 private teacher; tutor; 家庭教育 family education; home education; 家庭经济 household economy; 家庭经营 household management of production; family-run operation; 家庭纠纷 family quarrel; domestic discord; family dispute; family dissension; 家庭联产承包责任制 [农业] system of contracted responsibilities on the household basis with remuneration linked to output; contracted responsibility system based on the household, with remuneration linked to output; system of contracted household responsibility related to output; household contract responisbility system; 家庭破裂 breakdown of a family; 家庭生活 home life; family life; 家庭收支 household income and expenditure; 家庭手工业 cottage craft; household handicrafts
D . , when they were raised in small bottles as house pets 当时,观赏鱼最为家庭宠物饲养在小瓶子里。
Only in your family pets 只限于你的家庭宠物
This unbridled energy does not always make him an ideal family pet 这种过于旺盛的精力使它并不总是能成为理想的家庭宠物。
To prevent the spread of sars , the district enacted a regulation limiting household pets to go outside 为防止“非典”传播,该区颁布了《限制家庭宠物出户的规定》 。
The american staffordshire terrier is a happy , outgoing , stable , and confident dog who makes a wonderful family pet 美国斯塔福德更是一种开朗、活动能力强、性格稳定、并且非常自信的优秀家庭宠物。
Wild cats rarely make good house pets . they are typically shy , retiring , elusive , nocturnal and often cantankerous 大意指野生猫科动物很少能成为好的家庭宠物。它们通常是害羞、孤独、琢磨不透、夜间行动的,且脾气往往很坏。
An italian restaurant was fined 688 euros 855 for displaying live lobsters on ice to attract patrons , in an innovative application of an anti - cruelty law usually affecting to household pets 据路透社4月28日报道,意大利的反残酷法过去常常是为了保护家庭宠物,如今法律修改后连酒店的虾也可以受到保护了。
The apparence of the product is opaque tan grain , it adopts high quality bentonite to refine and deal with by high temperature , it has advantages of mighty adsorbability , concretiona , deodorization and preventing thalli increase , so it is healthy for pets such as cats , as well it can keep your house clean . the product also is easy to use 本品外观为黄褐色不透明颗粒,系采用优质天然膨润土,经过高温干燥、处理精制而成,具有极强的吸附力,固结除臭,防止菌体产生等优点,有利于猫等家庭宠物的健康生长,也使您的家庭环境保持清洁。
The apparence of the product is opaque tan grain , it adopts high quality bentonite to refine and deal with by high temperature , it has advantages of mighty adsorbability , concretiona , deodorization and preventing thalli increase , so it is healthy for pets such as cats , as well it can keep your house clean 本品外观为黄褐色不透明颗粒,系采用优质天然膨润土,经过高温干燥处理精制而成,具有极强的吸附力,固结除臭,防止菌体产生等优点,有利于猫等家庭宠物的健康生长,也使您的家庭环境保持清洁。