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  • inquisition stage


  • Case was sub judice she would not comment on the case itself
  • Case was sub judice she would not comment on the case itself
  • This dissertation approaches the principle from the perspective of criminal judge and investigates the normal court procedure of public prosecutive cases
  • Application of summary trial of general procedure should examine whether the defendant acknowledges the guilt sincerely and voluntarily at the court hearing stage
  • It was in 1978 , however , that i discovered the first " secrets " of invention - basic principles of creativity that would be retained and used for the rest of my professional career
    在1965 1975年期间,我获得了15个美国和其它国家的专利,同时还有上百个专利处于审理阶段
  • The functions of the discovery read as follows : first , it can get the information and relative facts on the trial . second , it also can illuminate and define issues , and the important is that it can prevent surprise attacks . third , it can assure that the pre - procedure works well without wasting the resource of justice . fourth , it can promote reconciliation . for the pre - trial procedure and the discovery are
  • Securing judgment procedure is to protect the legal rights of creditor , under that aim , there also exist two direct aim , one is safeguard the execute of the judicial addict made in the future , the other is to avoid the unredemptive damages chapter 3 the type of civil securing judgment procedure this chapter researches into the type of civil securing judgment procedure and relevant legal basis in main countries , including the arrest and einstweligeverfugung in germany and japan , the juger en refere iprocedure and qrdanance sur requite in france , attachment , temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction in u . s , pre - judgement rremedies in britain , and property preservation and advance execution in china the civil securing judgment procedure system of france , u . s . and britain don t meet the situation and tradition custom of china , while the civil securing judgment procedure system of german and japan has deficiency the conclusion of this chapter is , we should reasonably reform current civil securing judgment procedure system of china , reconstruction the dual civil securing judgment procedure system under the division of property preservation and action preservaition chaptei4 court has the power of jurisdiction this chapter researches into the court which has jurisdiction to different kinds of securing
    笔者认为,民事保全程序存在审理阶段的保全程序和执行阶段的程序,是特别的诉讼程序和执行程序兼容;民事保全请求权属于广义上的诉权;民事保全权属于裁判权(司法权)和行政权并存;民事保全程序应当体现迅速原则、全面保护双方当事人;权益原则、程序正当原则、保全措施的标的有限原则;民事保全程序的总目的是为了保护债权人的合法权益,其直接目的有二:一是保障将来执行文书的强制执行,二是:避免将来无法挽回的损失。第三章民事保全的类型本章对各主要国家关于民事保全的类型及其依据逐一作了论述:德国和日本的假扣押与假处分、法国的紧急审理程序和依申请作出裁定的程序、美国的, 、一。扣押和中间禁令、英国的临时性救济措施、我国的财产保全和先予执行。
审理阶段的英文翻译,审理阶段英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译审理阶段,审理阶段的英文意思,審理階段的英文审理阶段 meaning in English審理階段的英文审理阶段怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。