The international space station is a bit roomier 国际宇宙空间站有大了许多。
L helped design the galileo space station 我帮助设计了伽利略号宇宙空间站
L helped design the galileo space station 我帮助设计了伽利略号宇宙空间站
Two astronauts spent six and a half hours unhooking a girder from the international space station 两名宇航员用6个半小时的时间从国际宇宙空间站上摘下一根横梁。
Space shuttle atlantis has docked with the international space station , the first shuttle to do so this year 宇宙飞船亚特兰提斯号是今年第一艘进入宇宙空间站的飞船。
Two astronauts spent six and a half hours unhooking a girder from the international space station 2名宇航员用了6个半小时的时间从国际宇宙空间站上取下了一根钢桁的支架。
It ' s supposed to take off tomorrow and carry a new science lab to the international space station 据推测,航天飞机将在明天发射,它将把一个全新的科学实验站送到国际宇宙空间站。
2basically the answer was that the space shuttle and the space station are kept brightly lit , so it is difficult to see a lot of stars 基本说来,答案是宇宙飞机和宇宙空间站太过闪亮,所以很难看到许多星星
Basically the answer was that the space shuttle and the space station are kept brightly lit , so it is difficult to see a lot of stars 基本上来说,回答是说宇航飞船和宇宙空间站一直都很亮,所以很难看到很多星星
Flight controllers say the cooling and power systems are now up and running , and the room has been added to the international space station 飞行管理员称冷却系统现在已经开始运作,国际宇宙空间站的空间也已增大。