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  • cosmic year


  • 50 means the universe is aged between 13 and 16 . 5 billion years old
  • The universe is 13 . 7 billion years old with only a 1 percent margin of error
  • Was later revised to 70 10 in 1999 , which means the universe is aged between 9 and 12 billion years
    是7010 ,相对于宇宙年90亿至120亿年。
  • What is the age of our universe and how does it compare to the average life span of a human being
  • 80 17 through observation of the spiral galaxy m100 and thereby deducted that the universe was aged between 8 and 11 billions years old
    8017 ,折算宇宙年大约在80亿至110亿年左右。
  • 100 , then it indicates the age is between 6 . 5 and 8 . 5 billion years old . the actual age is determined by the density of matter in the universe
    100 ,即表示宇宙年介乎65到85亿年之间,而实际数字则取决于宇宙的物质密度。
  • Is not only a parameter for measuring expansion of the universe , it can also be used to determine the age and the size of the universe , amount of dark matters , numbers of hadrons and abundance of light elements in the universe and even the structure of the early universe , and so forth


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