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  • Why , they told us mamonovs cossacks had fired little mytishtchy . nay
    不呵,这不是梅季希村,还要远哩。 ”
  • The rostovs party stopped for that night at mytishtchy , twenty versts from moscow
  • She was seeing him again as he had been at mytishtchy , at troitsa , at yaroslavl
  • The next morning they walked late , and there were again so many delays that they only reached great mytishtchy
  • One such glow had been seen long before , and every one knew it was little mytishtchy , which had been set on fire by mamonovs cossacks
  • The countess declared that she had not closed her eyes all night from that moaning , and at mytishtchy she had moved into a less comfortable hut simply to get further away from the wounded man
  • The first night after leaving moscow had been fairly warm , and prince andrey had spent the night in his carriage . but at mytishtchy the wounded man had himself asked to be moved and given tea
  • Prince andrey had for the first time grasped where he was and what was happening to him , and had recollected that he had been wounded and how at the moment when the carriage had stopped at mytishtchy , and he had asked to be taken into the hut
  • But out of doors the fire at little mytishtchy lighted the country up for two versts round , and there was a noisy clamour of peasants shouting at the tavern across the street , which mamonovs cossacks had broken into , and the moan of the adjutant could be heard unceasingly through everything
  • But after that night at mytishtchy , when in his half - delirium she , whom he had longed for , appeared before him , and when pressing her hand to his lips , he wept soft , happy tears , love for one woman stole unseen into his heart , and bound him again to life
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