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音标:[ jiāozòng ]  发音:  


  • indulge (a child); pamper; spoil


  • Lydia was a favourite with her mother, whose affection had brought her into public at an early age .
  • The dividing - line between permissiveness and sheer negligence is very fine indeed
  • But the excessive permissiveness of modern parents is surely doing more harm than good
  • Cosseted and pampered from earliest childhood , he believed the world had been invented for his entertainment
  • He clearly did not wish any one to speak but himself , and he went on with the unrestrained volubility and irritability to which people spoilt by success are so prone
  • Children are hardy creatures and most of them survive the harmful influence of extreme permissiveness which is the normal condition in the modern household
  • Lydia was a stout , well - grown girl of fifteen , with a fine complexion and good - humoured countenance ; a favourite with her mother , whose affection had brought her into public at an early age
  • Lydia was a stout , well - grown girl of fifteen , with a fine complexion and good - humoured countenance ; a favourite with her mother , whose affection had brought her into public at an early age


  • 娇纵的泰文
  • 娇纵的法语:câliner être aux petits soins avec choyer mignoter chouchouter dorloter gâter
  • 娇纵的日语:甘やかす.増長させる. 独生子容易娇纵/一人っ子はついつい甘やかしてしまう.
  • 娇纵的韩语:[동사] (아이를) 버릇없게 기르다. 어하다. (응석받이로) 제멋대로 하게 두다. 娇纵孩子, 不是爱他而是害他; 아이들 응석을 되는대로 받아 주는 것은 사랑하는 것이 아니라 해치는 것이다
  • 娇纵的俄语:pinyin:jiāozòng баловать; потворствовать; балованный
  • 娇纵的阿拉伯语:بدد; تعطل; تلف; خدع; خرب; دلل; دلّع; دلّل; سلق; شوه; ضل; ضلل; عامل برفق; فسد; قام بأعمال السلب; كدر; كذب; نهب;
  • 娇纵的印尼文:alem; aleman; kemanjaan; manja; memanjakan; mengacaukan;
  • 娇纵什么意思:jiāozòng 娇养放纵:~孩子,不是爱他而是害他。
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