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  • veolia environnement
  • veolia water


  • Veolia environmental services ( ves ) is one of the subsidiaries of veolia environnement , which is the world leader in environmental services
  • " recycling will become a major industry for us in china , " said jorge mora , the company ' s chief executive for asia , based in beijing
    威立雅驻北京的亚太区首席执行官穆桥石( jorgemora )表示: "回收将成为我们在中国的一个主要产业。
  • The company , a global leader in waste treatment and recycling , is also increasing investment in facilities for local recycling of computers and electronics goods , known as " e - waste .
    威立雅还将加大对中国电脑和电子产品(即"电子垃圾" )回收设施的投资。威立雅是全球废品处理与回收的领军企业。
  • We are the second largest worldwide operator in the waste management sector and the only operator active across the entire spectrum of solid , liquid and hazardous waste serving both local authorities and industrial customers
  • Under such circumstance , the bot project of chengdu no . 6 water plant b ( hereafter called as “ chengdu waterworks bot project ” ) got formal approval in 1997 and becomes the first bot pilot project nominated by national planning committee . the total investment is 106 . 5 million usd with the method by project financing . among all the investments , 70 % are all financed by asian development bank and european investment bank , while the other 30 % comes from 2 shareholders ? french veolia ( changed name from vivendi in 2003 and hereafter called “ vivendi ” as “ veolia ” even before the name change ) holds 60 % and japanese marubeni holds 40 %
    成都市自来水六厂b厂bot项目(以下简称“成都水厂bot项目” )正是在这种情形下于1997年作为国家计划委员会批准的bot试点项目,引进国外投资1 . 065亿美金,全部通过项目融资方式筹措,其中总投资的30 %为股东投资,两个发起人向项目公司出资作为项目公司的注册资本,具体金额为法国威望迪(已于2003年更名为威立雅,以下对更名前后的“威望迪”均称为“威立雅” )集团占60 % ,日本丸红株式会社占40 % ;总投资的70 %来自亚洲开发银行和欧洲投资银行的融资。
威立雅的英文翻译,威立雅英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译威立雅,威立雅的英文意思,威立雅的英文威立雅 meaning in English威立雅的英文威立雅怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。