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  • altermann
  • holtmann
  • michael oltmann
  • orthmann
  • ortmans
  • robert altman


  • " oh , dear , have you seen the new shirtwaists at altman s
  • “ it ' s live television so you never know what could go wrong , ” mr oltmanns says . “ we also have the award winners ' names committed to memory in case something strange happens
    “这是电视直播,所以,你永远不知道会出什么岔子。 ”奥尔特曼斯说道: “我们还会牢记获胜者的名字,以备不测。 ”
  • His subsequent film roles included the first husband of goldie hawn in private benjamin ( 1980 ) , dudley moore ' s cuckolded manager in unfaithfully yours ( 1984 ) , and , best of all , his oscar - nominated turn as the acerbic tv journalist aaron altman in broadcast news ( 1987 )
    他随后的电影角色包括《傻妹从军》 ( 1980年)中戈尔迪?霍恩的第一任丈夫、 《醋海风波》 ( 1984年)中达德利?穆尔戴绿帽子的经理,而最出色的则是在《富贵浮云》 ( 1987年)中扮演的尖刻的电视记者艾伦?奥尔特曼,这为他赢得了一项奥斯卡提名。
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