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  • augosto
  • augusto


  • Augusto odone : dr . nikolias , what about the other boys , what results are you seeing in them
  • Augusto odone : and that would tell you what is obvious right now ? that avoiding apple skins and pizza has no effect on this brutal disease
  • Renato augusto is being billed as one of the next big things to come out of brazil and , as to be expected , free - spending european clubs have not failed to take notice
  • China also needs to improve environmental qualities of various institutions both private and public , said augusto lopez - claros , chief economist and director of the wef ' s global competitiveness
  • China also needs to improve environmental qualities of various institutions both private and public , said augusto lopez - claros , chief economist and director of the wef ' s global competitiveness network
  • China also needs to improve environmental qualities of various institutions both private and public , said augusto lopez - claros , chief economist and director of the wef ' s global competitiveness network
  • The success of the nordics is based on their " very healthy macroeconomic environments and public institutions that are highly and efficient , " said augusto lopez - claros , chief economist and director of the geneva - based institute ' s global competitiveness program
    北欧国家在竞争力排行榜上的成功基于“非常健康的宏观经济环境,高度透明和高效的公共机构, ”日内瓦全球竞争力调查项目机构主任和首席经济学家奥古斯托洛佩斯克拉罗斯说。
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