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  • chirau


  • Discovering the silent earthquake on kilauea suggests that the volcano ' s south flank is on the move ? perhaps on its way to eventual obliteration
  • New discoveries about the way kilauea is slipping can be easily generalized to other island volcanoes that may not have similar buttressing structures
  • Nine days before the most recent silent earthquake on kilauea , a torrential rainstorm dropped nearly a meter of water on the volcano in less than 36 hours
  • The slopes of volcanoes such as kilauea become steep and vulnerable to this kind of collapse when the lava from repeated eruptions builds them up more rapidly than they can erode away
  • Kilauea ' s network of more than 20 gps stations , for example , has already revealed that the volcano experiences creep , silent earthquakes as well as large , destructive typical earthquakes
  • Some scientists propose , however , that kilauea may currently be protected from catastrophic collapse by several underwater piles of mud and rock ? probably debris from old flank collapses ? that are buttressing its south flank
  • Here is what they now generally expect from an event the scale of those that struck long valley and yellowstone : instead of a slow leak of red - hot lava as is seen creeping down the sides of kilauea volcano in hawaii , these eruptions feature supersonic blasts of superheated , foamlike gas and ash that rise buoyantly all the way into the earth ' s stratosphere , 50 kilometers high
  • Geologists have long known that water leaking into faults can trigger earthquakes , and nine days is about the same amount of time that they estimate it takes water to work its way down through cracks and pores in kilauea ' s fractured basaltic rock to a depth of five kilometers ? where the silent earthquake occurred
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