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音标:[ tóufú ]  发音:  


  • 1.(初伏) the first of the three periods of the hot season
    2.(初伏的第一天) the first day of the first period of the hot season


  • Scarlet dropped her head on her arms and struggled not to cry .
  • She could have buried her head in mummy's lap, and managed to direct her anguish outward .
  • Catherine leaned her head and arms on the table , till she heard the slightest rustle of the covering being removed ; then she stole away , and quietly seated herself beside her cousin
  • Over the seat of the chair tess s face was bowed , her posture being a kneeling one in front of it ; her hands were clasped over her head , the skirts of her dressing - gown and the embroidery of her night - gown flowed upon the floor behind her , and her stockingless feet , from which the slippers had fallen , protruded upon the carpet


  • 头伏的日语:三伏の最初の10日間.
  • 头伏的韩语:[명사] (1)초복(初伏). =[初伏] (2)초복부터 중복 사이의 열흘간. 头伏萝卜二伏菜; 초복 이후 열흘은 무를 파종하고, 중복 이후 열흘은 배추를 파종한다
  • 头伏的俄语:pinyin:tóufú начало летней жары (первые две недели)
  • 头伏什么意思:tóufú 初伏。
头伏的英文翻译,头伏英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译头伏,头伏的英文意思,頭伏的英文头伏 meaning in English頭伏的英文头伏怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。