It is disgraceful the way he treats his mother . 他那样对待他母亲太不象话了。
Don't talk in that way, it is perfectly scandalous . 千万别这么说,这实在太不象话了。
Finally someone said it was a shame, and closed the door . 后来有人说这太不象话了,才把门关上。
It's absolutely ridiculous having us bat out these silly musical jangles . 老是让我们随随便便演些唱唱闹闹的无聊玩意儿,太不象话了。
"you know, their marriage customs when we first settled in the islands were so shocking that i couldn't possibly describe them to you. " 你知道,我们刚刚在岛上定居的时候,他们的婚姻习惯简直太不象话了,我都没法对你讲。
The kids today are so goddamn screwed up . . 如今的孩子们太不象话了. .
This is intolerable : i ' ve been waiting for three hours 太不象话了,让我一直等了三个小时!
It is highly improper . you must contrive to send somebody . i have the greatest dislike in the world to that sort of thing 这太不象话了,我最看不惯的就是这种事,你千万得派一个人送送她们。
Ll : nothing , because he drove off . good for him : i was angry and felt like doing a number on his face with my fists 撞了就开走了?那太不象话了。这种人真是该揍他一顿。不过像你这样软棉棉的手,受伤的可能是你的手,而不是他的脸。
Ll : nothing , because he drove off . good for him : i was angry and felt like doing a number on his face with my fists 撞了就开走了?那太不象话了。这种人真是该揍他一顿。不过像你这样软绵绵的手,受伤的可能是你的手,而不是他的脸。