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  • tianmu shan


  • No . 323 tianmushan road hangzhou hangzhou
  • No 1 gu dang wan tang miao road tian mu shan street
  • No 1 gu dang wan tang miao road tian mu shan street hangzhou
  • You can enjoy spring the whole year with flowing water , winding road , fresh and cool atmosphere
  • The results of analysis among the six populations ( d . versipellis and d . pleiantha ) and the five populations ( d . versipellis ) agreed with each other
    2228 ) ,其它八角莲种群总方差与之接近,浙江天目山六角莲种群方差最大( 127
  • Our company is sited in hangzhou city , zhejiang province , located by the beautiful west lake and at the foot of tianmu mountain . it has magnificent surroundings and convenient transportation . welcome every presence and directions
  • Angzhou donglin green food factory is located in the south of the west tianmu mountains - linan city which is 40 km from hangzhou and 270 km from shanghai a first - class highway is from hahgzhou to linan and transportion is very convenient
    杭州东林绿色食品有限公司,地处浙西北天目山南麓- -临安城。距杭州40公里杭昱超一级公路直达本城,距上海270公里,信息灵通,交通十分方便。
  • Wild walnut , seeds of which being a kind of natural nutritious food in china , grows in the natural environment with flourishing plants , especially in tianmu mountains area at the boundary between anhui and zhejiang provinces , and the full bearing period starts after 25 years
  • A total of five populations of dysosma versipellis were sampled from mt . emei in sichuan province ( sc ) , mt . shengnongjia hubei in province ( hb ) , mt . tianping in hunan province ( hn ) , pengze in jiangxi province ( jx ) , mt . tiantangzhai in anhui pprovince ( ah ) , and a population of dysosma pleiantha from mt . tianmu in the rangzi river drainage area of zhejiang province ( zj )
    本文在对濒危植物八角莲资源广泛调查的基础上,有代表性地选取长江中下游四川峨眉山( sc ) 、湖北神农架( hb ) 、湖南天平山( hn ) 、江西彭泽县( jx ) 、安徽天堂寨( ah ) 5个种群和浙江天目山( zj )六角莲一个种群。
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • 天目山的日语:てんもくざん 4 天 目 山 【名】 中国浙江安徽交界的天目山;最后关头;关键
  • 天目山什么意思:山名。 在 浙江 临安县 境内。 分东西两支: 东支名 东天目山 , 西支名 西天目山 。    ▶ 《元和郡县图志》卷二五: “ 天目山 ……有两峰, 峰顶各一池, 左右相对, 故曰 天目 。”多奇峰、竹林, 为 浙西 名胜地。 最高峰为 龙王山 , 高1587米, 在 西天目山 。 道教谓为“三十六小洞天”之一, 名“天盖涤玄天”。 见《云笈七签》卷二七。
  • 天目山とは意味天目山 てんもくざん line between victory and defeat


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