Status of seismic response analysis of long - span structures under multiple support excitations 多点输入下大跨度结构地震反应分析研究现状
Current situation and development of study on seismic performance of long - span arch bridge 大跨度结构考虑行波效应时平稳随机地震响应的闭合解
The paper introduces briefly the definition , material , form , application and development of large span structure 本文简要介绍大跨度结构的定义、材料、形式、应用及发展。
This paper analyses two engineers ' works and their working methods to understand the big span roof 本文试图通过对两位工程师在这方面的作品及工作方法的分析,解读大跨度结构屋顶的魅力。
Glossary of building and civil engineering terms - civil engineering - superstructures - bridges - large span structures 建筑及土木工程术语.第2部分:土木工程.第3集:上部结构:桥.大跨度结构
Due to good performance while suffering static and seismic loading , steel structure is extensively used in civil engineering 由于钢结构具有良好的受力性能和抗震性能,在土木建筑工程特别是大跨度结构工程中的应用日趋广泛。
First , the paper starts with the concept of long - span structure , and introduces the familiar form , material , development and appli cation of long - span building in brief 本文首先从大跨度结构的概念含义入手,简要介绍了大跨度结构的常见形式、常用材料、发展和应用。
The advantages of two different structural types can be fully developed by combining the single - layer spherical dome and the double - layer square pyramid space grids into a new structural type 在大跨度结构中,将单、双层网壳结合起来形成的一种结构形成?周边双层中部单层的球面网壳结构,可充分发挥两种结构形式的优点。
But the theory of wind - induced response and equivalent static wind load ( eswl ) on long span roofs is n ' t well developed and in most countries few codes are presented to regulate the dynamic wind loads on long span roofs 但是大跨度屋盖结构的风荷载理论却未能随之发展而发展,各国规范中关于大跨度结构风振方面的内容几乎是空白。
Solve the difficult problems in building structural design & construction , familiar with the ways to deal with problems in spatial long - span structure , building bases , soft ground and the application of pre - stressed technology 建筑结构设计与施工中疑难杂症,特别是空间大跨度结构,软弱地基处理及基础,预应力技术在结构体系中的运用等方面。