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  • seize the day with a wake ucall from jeeves
  • "多种"英文翻译    multiple; various; diversifi ...
  • "问候"英文翻译    send one's respects to; exte ...
  • "语"英文翻译    tell; inform
  • "及时"英文翻译    timely; in time; seasonable
  • "唤醒"英文翻译    rouse; wake up; awaken
  • "主人"英文翻译    master host
  • "问候语" 英文翻译 :    complimentary closing; compliments; greeting messages; greetings
  • "开机问候语" 英文翻译 :    welcome note
  • "礼貌问候语" 英文翻译 :    compliment
  • "美国问候语" 英文翻译 :    american greetings
  • "用作问候语" 英文翻译 :    used as a greeting
  • "东方的回教问候语" 英文翻译 :    se5lb:m selbm
  • "加油站伙计问候语" 英文翻译 :    greetings from a gasoline station attendant
  • "问候语用简单的" 英文翻译 :    hi or hello
  • "信函的称呼和问候语" 英文翻译 :    briefanredeundgrubformeln
  • "面向多种问题的语言" 英文翻译 :    mpol multiproblem oriented language
  • "使用问候语时遵守补语的相容规则" 英文翻译 :    comply with the compatible rule of complement when using compliments
  • "唤醒" 英文翻译 :    rouse; wake up; awaken 大自然似乎从沉睡中被唤醒了。 nature seems to be wakened from a dead sleep. 别唤醒他, 他昨晚熬夜了。 don't wake him up. he stayed up late last night.; 唤醒开关 wake-up switch
  • "问候" 英文翻译 :    send one's respects [regards] to; extend greetings to 致以亲切的问候 extend cordial greetings; 代我问候他。 say hello to him for me.; tell him ""hello"" for me
  • "主人" 英文翻译 :    1.(雇用仆人的人) master2.(接待客人的人) host 女主人 hostess3.(财物或权力的所有人) owner; proprietor; possessor 房子的主人 owner of the house; 国家的主人 master of the country
  • "及时" 英文翻译 :    1.(正赶上时候) timely; in time; seasonable 及时播种 sow in good time; 及时的忠告 timely advice; 这场雨下得真及时呀! this is a timely rain indeed.2.(不拖延;立即) promptly; without delay 及时汇报 report without delay; 有病要及时治疗。 get prompt treatment when you are ill. 有问题要及时解决。 problems, if any, should be solved without delay.; 及时性 timeliness; 及时修改 time update
  • "多种" 英文翻译 :    multiple; various; diversified◇多种产品厂商 multi-product firm; 多种产品定价法 multiple-product pricing; 多种产品生产 multiproduct production; 多种产品展销 catch-all display; 多种放射疗法 polyradiotherapy; 多种分泌障碍 pluridyscrinia; polydyscrinia; 多种分配形式 diverse forms of distribution; 多种感觉教具 multi-sensory learning aids; 多种工业联合企业 conglomerate; 多种汇率 multiple (exchange) rate; 多种汇率制度 multiple rates of exchange system; 多种货币挂钩 effective rate peg; 多种货币介入 multicurrency intervention; 多种货币介入制 multicurrency intervention system; 多种价值 multi values; 多种价值条款 multivalues clause; 多种经济成份 multiple [diverse] economic sectors; diverse sectors of the economy; heterogeneous economy; multiplicity of economic sectors; various economic elements; 多种经济形式 diverse economic forms; 多种经营 diversified farming; 多种免疫 panimmunity; 多种目标测距系统 multiple-target system;多种燃料燃烧 multifuel firing; 多种所有制经济 economy with different types of ownership; 多种特性 multifrequency nature; 多种维生素 multivitamin; 多种维生素缺乏病 polyavitaminosis; 多种业务 multiple operation
  • "提醒主叫用户" 英文翻译 :    originating user prompting oup
  • "哪种问题" 英文翻译 :    what type of questions
  • "人种问题。" 英文翻译 :    colour question
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