They take reusable bags with them when they go shopping 他们外出购物时自备环保袋
I am opposed to going shopping with others 我反对与他人一起外出购物。
Is your mom out shopping 你妈妈外出购物了吗
Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time , as opposed to lucy , who prefers to stay at home reading 闲暇时玛丽喜欢外出购物,与她相反,露茜却喜欢呆在家里看书
Men go shopping just as men go out fishing or hunting , to see how large a fish may be caught with the smallest hook 人外出购物,如出去钓鱼或打猎,总想看看用最小的鱼钩能钓上多大的鱼。
She had been staking out the hotel since morning , hoping to see jay when he went out shopping or to the concert venue 她整个上午都在“监视”着酒店,希望当杰伦外出购物或前往演唱会现场时能看到他。
Then one day , i went to visit the boy s family . his father and mother went out to buy food to treat me to dinner so only he and i were at home 有一天我到他家拜访,他的父母为了招待我在他们家用餐,外出购物,家中只剩下我和男孩两人。
Well , now she has a new look . she doesn ' t hava long curly hair . she has short blonde hair . she doesn ' t wear glasses . she can go shopping nobody know her 对了,现在她换了一副新面孔.没有了一头长长的卷法,她现在留了短短的金发,也没有戴眼镜了.她可以外出购物,没有人认得出她
Taking kids to an activity , getting shopping or errands out of the way , and enjoying a run outside or in the gym are the things that can be incorporated into the work - from - home schedule 带孩子们外出活动,外出购物或者出外办事,在室外或者健身房里享受一次跑步,这些事情都可以被纳入在家工作的日程表中来。