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  • summer soybean


  • Effect of 50 acetochlorruyou to control weeds in soybean fields
  • Cultivation technology of summer soybean yield potentialities and high yield
  • Comparative study on major traits of soybean planted on dry land and irrigated land
  • Analysis of relationship between precipitation and growth and development of summer soybean in suixi county
  • The initial study of the relationship between meteorological factors and agronomic characters of soybean in beijing area
  • Analysis on genotype characteristics and improvement of agronomic characters of summer soybean varieties in shandong province
  • High - protein , high - yield soybean varieties and high - protein strain were obtained by using high - protein summer type soybean zhongyou 82 ~ 10 as high - protein gene donor
    摘要利用夏大豆高蛋白中间材料中油82 ~ 10作高蛋白基因源,育成高蛋白、高产大豆新品种及高蛋白品系。
  • The development of these new varieties ( strains ) indicated that using the summer type variety from low latitude area as the high - protein parent , and local high - yield accessions as the recurrent parental lines in modified backcross is an efficient strategy for high - protein , high - yield soybean breeding
  • Water use efficiency in shunyi is comparatively 12 - 50 % lower than national level at present for crops except rice and soybean , which means a great water - saving potential in the region according to comparison between experimental observation and estimation . for most crops , yield potential can hardly be increased . therefore , it is necessary to enhance water - saving efficiency of cropping in the region
    2 )比较当前顺义区作物实际水分利用效率和全国平均的作物水分利用效率得出:除夏大豆和水稻外,顺义区其它作物水分利用效率低于全国平均值12 ? 50 ,与当地试验值和理论计算值相比,还有很大的增长潜力;而作物实际产量与理论产量的比较表明,大部分作物的增产潜力已不大,所以,种植业节水效率还有待于进一步提高。
  • The results indicated that the originating centre of cultivated soybean in china was a stripe region from southwest to northeast , including sichuan , shaanxi , henan , shanxi , shandong and hebei provinces . the northern spring soybean might originate in yellow river valley , and then , spread to the northeast and northwest of china
    结果表明,中国栽培大豆起源中心为由西南向东偏北方向延伸的带状区域,包括河北(含北京) 、山东、山西、河南、陕西、四川等省(市) ;北方春大豆起源中心可能在我国黄河流域中下游地区,以后向东北和西北扩散,南方地区春大豆和南方夏大豆的起源地可能在四川,以后向南、东南方向传播。
  • 更多例句:  1  2


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