Yes , i ' ll be happy to cash these for you . would you please countersign them here 好的,我很乐意为你兑换。请您将支票复签一下。
Yes , i ' ll be happy to cash these for you . would you please countersign them here 出纳员:好的,我很乐意为你兑换。请您将支票复签一下。
T : yes , i ' ll be ha y to cash these for you . would you please countersign them here 出纳员:好的,我很乐意为你兑换。请您将支票复签一下。
T : yes , i & ; am # 39 ; ll be ha y to cash these for you . would you please countersign them here 好的,我很乐意为你兑换。请您将支票复签一下。
During the trip , travelers can cash the checks from the agencies of the bank or the travel service whenever they need after their counter - signatures are recognized 在旅行途中,旅客在需要时,可以在复签得到确认后,向银行和旅行社的代理机构兑现旅行支票。
When first purchased , travelers cheques must be signed chinese and english are both acceptable in the upper left - hand corner in order to be reimbursable if lost or stolen . remember also to store the purchase record and the cheques separately . when you are ready to cash the cheque , the acceptor must watch you countersign the cheque in the lower left - hand corner 使用美国运通旅行支票十分容易,只要在购买旅行支票的同时,于支票左上角签名中英文皆可,并且确定把购买合约书与旅行支票分开存放,您即已获得保障当您准备使用支票时,只要在收款人面前于支票的左下角复签即可。