土壤 soil; ground; pedogenesis; ped-; pedo- 多腐植质的土壤 humus-rich soil; 只要帝国主义还存在, 就有发生侵略战争的土壤。 as long as imperialism exists there will be soil for wars of aggression.; 土壤保持 [生态学] soil conservation; 土壤标本 soil sample; 土壤肥力 soil fertility; 土壤改良 melioration; reclamation; amelioration; soil reclamation; 土壤结构 soil structure; 土壤普查 general survey of soil; overall soil examination; 土壤湿度 soil moisture; 土壤湿度计 tensiometer; 土壤水分 soil moisture; 土壤温度 soil temperature; 土壤学 pedology; soil science; 土壤学家 pedologist; 土壤质地 soil texture; 土壤状况 soil regime
作业 1.(功课) school assignment 家庭作业 homework; 改作业 correct students' papers; 做作业 do one's assignment2.军事活动或生产活动) work; job; task; operation; production 水下作业 underwater operation; 野外作业 field work; 作业班 work team; 作业簿 operating log; 作业灯 working light; 作业段 job step; 作业计划 operative plan; production plan; 作业区 crops; operation area; 作业线 operating line; production line; 作业小组 a work group