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音标:[ guósè ]  发音:  


  • [书面语] a national beauty


  • Another declared friday to be u . s . color day "
    另一封邮件宣称9月14日将成为"美国国色日" 。
  • Inductotherm group china - thermatool shanghai is a sister company of thermatool group , has more than 50 years experience in designing and manufacturing hf welders , seam annealers , tube / pipe inline bring / dull annealers ( stainless steel , carbon steel , etc . ) , tube / pipe form mill and relevant spare parts . as the leading supplier of welders and seam annealers in the world , thermatool has provided wide range of welders and seam annealers to pipe and tube industries
  • The thesis is subsidized by a key scientific and technological project of former state nonferrous metal bureau , " research on management mode and integration technology for cims in nonferrous metal mining enterprise " . the paper discusses the current situations and prospects of nonferrous enterprises ' cims , and brings out how to implement cims in nonferrous enterprises
    本文受原国家有色金属局重点科技项目《有色金属矿山企业与cims相适应的管理模式和集成技术研究》 (国色规科字[ 2000 ] 89号文)资助,拟对有色企业cims的发展现状及前景进行论述,提出有色企业实施cims的思路。


  • 国色的泰文
  • 国色的日语:〈書〉国内一の美人. 天姿 tiānzī 国色/絶世の美人. 国色天香/ボタンの異称.
  • 国色的韩语:[명사]【문어】 국색. [그 나라에서 용모가 가장 뛰어난 여자] =[国艳yàn] [国容(2)] [国姝shū]
  • 国色的俄语:pinyin:guósè 1) известная красавица в государстве; национальная королева красоты 2) краса (гордость) всего государства (обр. о пионе)
  • 国色什么意思:guósè 〈书〉在一国内容貌最美的女子:天姿~。
国色的英文翻译,国色英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译国色,国色的英文意思,國色的英文国色 meaning in English國色的英文国色怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。