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  • government consumption
  • "国家"英文翻译    country; state; nation
  • "消费"英文翻译    consume; consumption
  • "国家消防" 英文翻译 :    nfa = national fire academy
  • "国家消亡" 英文翻译 :    withering away of the state
  • "国家消防火管理署" 英文翻译 :    nfpca = national fire prevention and control administration
  • "国家消防研究院" 英文翻译 :    national fire academy
  • "国家消防机构福利基金会" 英文翻译 :    fund
  • "最后消费国家" 英文翻译 :    country of final co umption; country of final consumption
  • "国家消防装备质量监督检验中心" 英文翻译 :    state quality equipment
  • "消费的发展中国家" 英文翻译 :    consumer developing country; consumerdevelopingcountry
  • "消费发展中国家" 英文翻译 :    consumer developing country
  • "独家消息" 英文翻译 :    exclusive news; scoop
  • "自家消化" 英文翻译 :    autodigestion; autolysis
  • "消费" 英文翻译 :    consume; consumption◇消费城市 consumer-city; 消费贷款 consumer loans; consumption credit; 消费方式[模式] pattern of consumption; 消费合作社 consumer's cooperative; consumers' cooperative society; consumers' cooperative association; 消费化 consumerization; 消费基金 consumption fund; funds for consumption; 消费技术 consumption technology; 消费借款 consumption loan; 消费经济学 consumer economics; 消费决策 [经] consumer decision; 消费量 amount of consumption; 消费市场 [经] consumer market; 消费水平 level of consumption; standards of consumption; consumption level; 消费税 consumption tax [duty]; excise tax; tax on consumption; excise; excise duty; 消费资料 consumption goods; consumer goods; means of consumption
  • "国家贸易和消费者保护部长" 英文翻译 :    minister of national trade and consumer protection
  • "消费者消费" 英文翻译 :    consumer spending
  • "报道独家消息的记者" 英文翻译 :    beat reporter
  • "喜欢在家消遣的男人" 英文翻译 :    homebody
  • "国家" 英文翻译 :    country; state; nation 第三世界国家 third world countries; 友好国家 friendly country; 国家大事 national affairs; 国家尊严 national dignity; 发达国家 developed country; 发展中国家 developing country; 沿海国家 coast state; 有关国家 state concerned; 国家安全条款 national-security provisions; 国家保险 national insurance; 国家标准 national standard; 国家标准局 national bureau of standards (nbs); 国家财产 state property; 国家财政 state revenue and expenditure; 国家大事 national affairs; 国家订货 state orders for goods; 国家队 national team; 国家法 constitutional law; the law of the state; 国家法制计量局 national bureau of legal metrology; 国家干部 state cadre; cadre on the state payroll; 国家干预 state intervention; 国家工业化 industrialization of the country; 国家公费医疗 state medicine; 国家规定价格 state-set price; 国家海关辖境 national customs territory; 国家宏观调节 state macro-regulation; 国家机构 apparatus of state; 国家机关 state organs; government offices; 国家机关工作人员 state personnel; 国家机密 state secret; 国家机器 state apparatus [machinery]; 国家级 national grade; 国家检定 national verification; 国家鉴定 national certification; 国家结构 structure of state; 国家经济预算 nation's economic budget; 国家决算 final accounts of state revenue and expenditure; final state accounts; 国家领导人 state leaders; 国家贸易机构 state trading agency; 国家配额 countries quotas; 国家起起源 origin of state; 国家情报中心 national information centre; 国家权力机关 organs of state power; 国家书目 national bibliography; 国家税率 national tariff; 国家司法机关 state judicial organs; 国家所有制 state ownership; 国家调节 state regulation; 国家统一管理 unified state control; 国家投资 government investment; 国家图书馆 national library; 国家物价机关 state pricing organization; state pricing organs; 国家物资储备 state material reserve; 国家消亡 withering away of the state; 国家信用 state credit; 国家形式 forms of state; 国家行为 act of state; act of country; 国家行政机关 government administrative departments; 国家意志 state will; 国家银行 state bank; 国家预算 national budget; state bubdget; 国家元首 head of state; 国家政权 state power; 国家职工 state employee; 国家职能 functions and powers of the state; 国家仲裁人 government arbitrator; 国家主权 state [national] sovereignty; 国家资产 national assets; 国家资金 state fund
  • "低消费" 英文翻译 :    low consumption
  • "高消费" 英文翻译 :    high consumption; high level of consumption; high-value consumption
  • "减少(消费)" 英文翻译 :    cut down
  • "开支,消费" 英文翻译 :    expenditure
  • "取消费" 英文翻译 :    cancellation price
  • "消费,消耗" 英文翻译 :    consume


  • Retail sales , an important barometer of the nation ' s consumer demand , stood at 1 . 03 trillion yuan ( us $ 124 . 3 billion ) during the january - february period
    国家消费需求正持续增长.今年1至2月,反映消费需求的晴雨表-全国消费品零售总额达到10 , 313亿元,比上年同期增长13 . 6 %
  • Some politicians even tried to dismiss the idea of public rationing altogether , saying that last month ' s tiny increase in the price of a litre of petrol ( by $ 0 . 02 ) and that smart cards monitoring national consumption will solve the problem without rationing
    一些政客甚至试图完全废止公共配给制度,声称上个月每升汽油价格小幅上扬了( 2美分) ,如果没有配给制度,智能卡的国家消费监测系统会解决这个问题。
国家消费的英文翻译,国家消费英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译国家消费,国家消费的英文意思,國家消費的英文国家消费 meaning in English國家消費的英文国家消费怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。