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  • business graphic
  • chart of business
  • "商业"英文翻译    commerce; trade; business
  • "图表"英文翻译    chart; figure; graphic; plot ...
  • "商业图形图表工具" 英文翻译 :    smartdraw suite edition
  • "事务用图像处理、商业图表" 英文翻译 :    business graphic
  • "专业图表" 英文翻译 :    prochart
  • "流水作业图表" 英文翻译 :    continuous production operation sheet
  • "日历作业图表" 英文翻译 :    calendar progress chart
  • "商业图书公司" 英文翻译 :    business books
  • "图片概念商业图片" 英文翻译 :    cd-concepts - business
  • "车站作业图表(列车和调车)" 英文翻译 :    station working schedule
  • "合众国际社商业图片部" 英文翻译 :    compix of upi
  • "图表" 英文翻译 :    chart; figure; graphic; plot; diagram; graph; pictogram; [统计学] pictograph; schedule; sheet; table 统计图表 statistical chart
  • "作业图" 英文翻译 :    operating chart; working diagram
  • "海洋作业图" 英文翻译 :    oceangraphic chart; oceanographic chart
  • "矿业图学" 英文翻译 :    engineering graphics for mining
  • "领航作业图" 英文翻译 :    air navigation chart; plotting sheets
  • "气象作业图" 英文翻译 :    meteorologic working chart; meteorological working chart; meteorologicworking chart
  • "专业图书" 英文翻译 :    professional books
  • "专业图书馆" 英文翻译 :    special libraries
  • "商业" 英文翻译 :    commerce; trade; business 商业不景气 commercial depression; 商业支票 commercial paper; 与 ... 进行商业贸易 carry on commerce with ...; 轻视商业 despise trade; 他从事商业。 he is engaged in commerce. 商业已变得肃条。 commerce has stagnated.; 商业霸权 commercial hegemony; 商业包装 commercial packing; 商业报单 trade circular; 商业报告 business report; 商业波动 business fluctuation; 商业簿记 business accounting; 商业财产 commercial property; 商业城市 commercial city; 商业承兑 trade acceptance; 商业承兑票据 trade acceptance; 商业储运网 commercial storage-transportation network; 商业存款 business deposit; 商业代理 merchant agent; commercial agency; 商业贷款 commercial loan; 商业贷款利率 commercial loan rate; 商业单位 business unit; 商业道德 commercial morality; business ethics; 商业电脑 commercial computer; business computer; 商业调查 business survey; 商业动机 business motive; 商业对策 business game; 商业发票 commercial invoice; 商业仿真 business simulation; 商业风险 commercial risk; 商业服务 commercial service; 商业服务机械 commercial service machinery; 商业改进 better business; 商业革命 commercial revolution; 商业跟单信用证 commercial documentary letter of credit; 商业公会 commercial guild; 商业公司 commercial corporation; 商业管理 business administration; 商业广告 commercial advertisement; 商业惯例 commercial practice; business practice; commercial usage; usage of trade; 商业规程 business regulations; 商业合伙 commercial partnership; 商业合伙人 business partner; trading partners; 商业合同 commercial contract; 商业化 commercialize; 商业环境 business environment; 商业汇价 merchant rate; 商业汇票 trade bill; commercial draft; commercial bill; 商业机构 bureau; business organization; commercial undertaking; 商业机器 business machine; 商业机械 commercial machine; 商业计算 business calculation; business accounting; 商业界 trade; 商业借贷 business loans; 商业金融 trade financing; 商业加工 commercial processing; 商业进销差价 differences between commercial purchasing and selling prices; 商业精神 commercialism; 商业经济学 business economics; economics of commerce; 商业经营 venture; 商业竞争 commercial competition; 商业考察 business survey; 商业库存 commercial inventory; 商业理财 trade financing; 商业零售设备 retailing equipment; 商业零售网点 commercial retail outlets; 商业流动资金 commercial circulating funds; 商业冒险 venture; 商业美术家 commercial artist; 商业名称登记 registration of business names; 商业年度 commercial year; 商业农场 commercial farm; 商业票据 commercial paper; commercial bill; mercantile paper; mercantile bill; trade bill; trade paper; 商业平价 commercial par; 商业企业 merchandising enterprising; merchandising concern; 商业区 commercial district; business district; business quarter; 商业事务所 business offices; 商业术语 trade terms; 商业数据处理 business data processing; 商业诉讼 commercial case [action]; 商业税 business tax; 商业特权 special commercial privileges; 商业调节手段 commercial leverage; 商业调整 business adjustment; 商业通函 circulars; 商业通信 business communication; 商业统计 commercial statistics; 商业投机 business speculation; 商业推销员 commercial traveller; 商业网 network of trading establishments; commercial network; 商业网点 commercial network and centres; network of trading establishments; trade network; 商业往来客户 trade creditors; 商业往来帐户 commercial account; 商业危机 commercial crisis; 商业文化 commerical culture; 商业习惯 commercial customs; trade usages; 商业系统企业会计 accounting for shop under the system of state commerce; 商业萧条 commercial depression; 商业销售额 value of business sale; 商业销售区 commercial distribution area; 商业销售中心 commercial distribution center; 商业协作 commercial coordination; 商业信贷 commercial credit; 商业信托公司 [美国] mercantile trust co.; 商业信用 commercial credit; business credit; 商业信用保险 commercial credit insurance; 商业信用证 commercial letter of credit; 商业行政管理 business administration; 商业选购 commercial departments purchase industrial; 商业银行 commercial bank; merchant banker; 商业英语 business english; 商业应用 business application; 商业邮件 commercial papers; 商业语 trade language; 商业运输 commercial transportation; 商业展览会 trade fair; 商业照明 commercial lighting; 商业折扣 trade discount; commercial discount; 商业征信所 commercial credit bureau; commercial inquiry office; 商业政策 commerce policy; 商业职能 commerce function; 商业中心 commercial centre; trading centre; shopping centre; hub of commerce; emporium; 商业中止保险 business interruption insurance; 商业仲裁 commercial arbitration; 商业周期 reference cycle; trade cycle; business cycle; 商业注册 commercial registration; 商业专员 commercial attache; 商业资本 business capital; commercial capital; merchant capital; 商业资本主义 commercial capitalism; 商业资产阶级 merchant-capitalist; 商业资金 business capital; 商业资料处理 business data processing; 商业总产值 total value of trade
  • "工业图形文件" 英文翻译 :    industrial graphics language
  • "海图作业图纸" 英文翻译 :    track chart
  • "流程图作业图" 英文翻译 :    flow map
  • "野外作业图板" 英文翻译 :    field board
  • "专业图书集团" 英文翻译 :    professional books group
商业图表的英文翻译,商业图表英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译商业图表,商业图表的英文意思,商業圖表的英文商业图表 meaning in English商業圖表的英文商业图表怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。