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  • hadrian


  • Hadrian forbade masters to kill their slaves except upon the judgement of a magistrate .
  • There were the hadrian ' s wall running from carlisle to newcastle , and the antonine wall linking the estuaries of the forth and the clyde
  • Which was the character of adrian the emperor ; that mortally envied poets , and painters , and artificers , in works wherein he had a vein to excel
  • Which was the character of adrian the emperor ; that mortally envied poets , and painters , and artificers , in works wherein he had a vein to excel
  • And so he was adopted in his eighteenth year , and at the instance of hadrian exception was made for his age35 and he was appointed quaestor for the year of the second consulship of antoninus , now his father
    而且由于是十八岁那年被收养的,出于哈德良的请求,考虑到他的年龄( 35 ) ,任命他为安东尼? ?现在是他的父亲,第二次任执政官? ?的财务官。
  • After his accession to the throne he removed none of the men whom hadrian had appointed to office , and , indeed , was so steadfast and loyal that he retained good men in the government of provinces for terms of seven and even nine years
  • 4 he was reared under the eye of hadrian , who called him verissimus , as we have already related , 27 and did him the honour of enrolling him in the equestrian order when he was six years old and appointing him in his eighth year to the college of the salii
    4他在哈德良的眼皮底下长大,我们先前说过,称他为维里斯姆( 27 ) ,而且在六岁时就封他为骑士,并在八岁时内任命他为萨利祭司。
  • After his consulship , again , a marble bull was found hanging in his garden with its horns attached to the boughs of a tree , and lightning from a clear sky struck his home without inflicting damage , and in etruria certain large jars that had been buried were found above the ground again , and swarms of bees settled on his statues throughout all etruria , and frequently he was warned in dreams to include an image of hadrian among his household gods
  • It has not escaped my observation that it was stated in a rescript of the divine hadrian , with reference to the proof of the cause of the error , that the child must be a year old , but the right did not seem to be of general application , as the emperor issued the rescript under peculiar circumstances
  • He was chosen by hadrian from among the four men of consular rank under whose jurisdiction italy was placed , 14 to administer that particular part of italy in which the greater part of his own holdings lay ; from this it was evident that hadrian had regard for both the fame and the tranquillity of such a man
    他被哈德良从四个管理意大利司法的执政官等级的人之中选中( 14 ) ,管理意大利由他自己管理的特别部份;从这里可以明显看出,哈德良是把这样一个人视为兼有名望和雍容的。
  • 更多例句:  1  2


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