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音标:[ xiánfēng ]  发音:  


  • hsien-feng
  • xianfeng


  • Serious drought in jiangnan and social countermeasures in the 6th year of xianfeng
  • Yengping well was dugged during the sienfong reign 1851 - 61 in cing dynasty
  • Was burned down by the qing government and the development of cantonese opera
  • The dongyuan well began to be founded from the reign of xianfeng , qing dynasty , being 948 . 22 meters deep
    东源井早在清代咸丰年间开始创办,井深948 . 22米。
  • The guan yin temple was built in 1853 ( the 3rd year of xian feng of the qing dynasty )
    观音庙建于一八五三年(清朝咸丰三年) ,现时由东华三院社会服务科负责管理。
  • A church , which was built in 1851 , is one of three buildings located behind an ancestral shrine
    至一八五一年(咸丰元年) ,教会更在长洲盖建教堂,设办女校,开拓宣教事务。
  • The temple has many chinese poems , verses and lyrics on signs . these add a touch of literature in addition to the religious and sightseeing value
    霞海城煌庙兴建于一八五九年(清咸丰九年) ,现已列为三级古迹。
  • Between 1821 and 1861 , an increasing number of intellectuals in the four northern counties of taipei , taoyuan , hsinchu , and miaoli passed imperial examinations
  • Yuanmingyuan ( garden of perfect splendor ) was razed to the ground by the anglo - french allied forces in 1860 and xian feng the emperor was imprisoned
    摘要咸丰十年( 1860 )英法联军攻入北京并火烧圆明园,致皇帝北狩,天下震动。
  • Tho monastery and determined through the method of drawing lot from the golden urn ; he succeeded as the 8th panchen with the approval of emperor xianfeng
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3


  • 咸丰的泰文
  • 咸丰的韩语:[명사] 청대(淸代) 문종(文宗)의 연호(1851咸丰1861).
  • 咸丰的俄语:pinyin:xiánfēng всеобщее изобилие (также девиз царствования 1851-1861 гг. Примечание: не смешивать с названием уезда Сяньфэн в пров. Хубэй)
  • 咸丰什么意思:Xiánfēng 清文宗(爱新觉罗奕[zhǔ])年号(公元1851—1861)。
咸丰的英文翻译,咸丰英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译咸丰,咸丰的英文意思,咸豐的英文咸丰 meaning in English咸豐的英文咸丰怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。