

  • abracadabra
  • charm
  • conjuration
  • paternoster



  • 例句与用法
  • " i have been studying the texts , " said dagen
    “我一直在研究咒文。 ”达恩说。
  • He glares . i possess the indian sign
    目光炯炯我掌握印度咒文87 。
  • Dagen lowered his eyes . " i can do this , father . the words of summoning are here .
    达恩低垂着眼睛。 “我可以做到,爸爸。召唤龙神的咒文就在这里。 ”
  • Yet it was not a piece of real evocational incantation but a song developed from it
    但宋玉只是借此作为创作这篇瑰玮辞章的由头, 《招魂》本身并不是巫师实际招魂的咒文
  • " they contain knowledge that can save us , lord rashin , " said dagen . " the invocation is described in great detail .
    “它们含有能拯救我们的知识,拉申阁下。 ”达恩说, “咒文描述得很清楚。 ”
  • The whole of rigveda and most of atharvaveda are in the form of poetry , or hymns to the deities and the elements
  • Actually the same principle applies to my works in english , hence the mantras will be given in pin yin and practiced accordingly
  • " we will owe a debt we may not be able to repay , " said arvid . " what do your texts say about the price that will be demanded of us ?
    “我们可能会欠下无法偿付的恩情。 ”阿维德说, “你的咒文上对我们要支付的代价是怎么说的? ”
  • Spell . target foe and all foes adjacent to your target are crippled for 5 . . . 13 seconds . caltrops has half the normal range
    咒文魔法。使目标敌人及其邻近敌人遭受残废病症( 5 ~ 13 )秒。此技能对目标的有效施展距离是正常的一半。
  • Spell . must follow a lead attack . target foe becomes crippled for 5 . . . 17 seconds . mantis touch counts as an off - hand attack
    咒文魔法。必须接续在引导攻击之后,使目标敌人遭受残废病症( 5 ~ 17 )秒。此技能可视为即刻攻击使用。
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  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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