鼓舞 inspire; hearten; embolden; nerve; stimulate; gladden; infuse; fortify; kindle; support; sustain; impulse; brace 鼓舞人心的消息 (most) heartening news; 读了一位伟人的生平而大受鼓舞 be greatly inspired by reading the life of a great man; 形势令人鼓舞。 the situation is encouraging. 成功能鼓舞人们去作新的努力。 success will stimulate the people for fresh efforts. 她对于她周围所有的人是一种多么大的鼓舞! what an inspiration she was to all around her
He was for several years the main prop and animator of roosevelt himself . 他有几年是罗斯福本人的主要支持者和鼓舞者。
Sometime you need others help and encouragement 有时候你需要别人的帮助和鼓舞。
I think we felt comforted and encouraged 我想我们现在感觉非常的安定和鼓舞
A loving relationship encourages and supports both people 爱是纽带和鼓舞着维系双方当事人。
His advice gave you a great morale booster and upper (他的劝告,带给你高昂的士气和鼓舞。 )
Orange can bring you success and cheer you up when you are feeling sad 当你感到不愉快时,橙色能给你带来成功和鼓舞你的勇气。
" it is flattering and inspiring to be mentioned in connection with such big clubs . “被与这些大俱乐部联系在一起是十分令人高兴和鼓舞的。 ”
When human friends desert us , good books are always ready to give us friendship , sympathy , and encouragement 当生活中朋友抛弃了我们时,好的书总是随时给予我们友情、同情和鼓舞。
Angus : just kidding . we started the sunshine singers to use our musical talent to help and inspire people 安格斯:开个玩笑而已。我们阳光歌唱队最初的理想是用我们的音乐天分去帮助他人和鼓舞他人。
If they mean to you what they mean to me , they may perhaps be helpful also to our sons for their guidance and inspiration 假如这些信条于诸位的意义如同它们于我的意义,那么也许它们可以有效地指导和鼓舞我们的儿女们。