The hagi matsuri japanese bush clover festival was held in mukojima hyakka - en garden in sumida ward from september 17 to october 1 9月17日至10月1日, “ ?祭” ?的节日在墨田区向岛百花园举行。
The pilot again changed the course of the boat , which rapidly approached the island , and was soon within fifty paces of it 掌舵人又改变了小帆船的方向,船就急速地向岛子靠拢过去,不久就离岛只有五十步之遥了。
Located some 1500 miles east - southeast of australia , the island is dominated by the southern alps , which run for 300 miles along the island 在澳洲东南部1500英里的南岛在向岛内延伸了300英里的阿尔卑斯山脉的脚下。
Downtown atmosphere by sumida river , metropolitan expressway route no . 6 ( mukojima ) sumida river comes to your sight on the left hand side after passing ryogoku junction 沿隅田川的风景充满了下町风情首都高速向岛线
We have not used the re - guard product yet , but we are really looking forward to cleaning our gear monday 我想从此我们有了一个很棒的伙伴,不仅仅是因为它工作出色,而且我们的海岸消防队不会再向岛上增加污染。再次感谢科利先生。
Some like bay shore route with superb view in bay area or route no . 6 ( mukojima ) with peaceful scenes alongside of sumida river are recommended for leisurely driving 美丽景色不断扩展的海岸线,在沿隅田川的向岛线上水边的风景让人心旷神怡,值得推荐的驾车兜风路线有许多。
Mukojima was once known as a place for beautiful blooms of seasonal flowers . ogai mori and rohan koda , both great writers from the meiji period , moved to mukojima for its scenic beauty 直到江户时代,都有“说起花就想到向岛”的说法,明治的文豪?森鸥外和幸田露伴也因追求风光明媚的土地而移居到了这里。
Exit shutokosoku 1 line at uenoiriya interchange or shutokosoku 6 down line at komagata interchange , or shutokosoku 6 up line at mukojima interchange . for asakusa along kokusai - dori , kaminarimon - dori , edo - dori , or asakusa - dori 在首都高1号线的上野?入谷立交口、或6号线下行的驹形立交口、或向岛立交口出去。
Recently , the policy of moving the producing enterprises out of the xiamen island in five years gives the program a good chance to integrate the logistic resources of the electron and machinery enterprises and establish the emdc in xiamen . this distribution center ( dc ) is to offer logistics and distribution service for the whole electron and machinery enterprises 目的是利用岛内企业向岛外搬迁的机会来整合机电企业的物流资源,建造一个公用型的大型机电产品配送中心,为整个机电行业提供物流配送服务,以降低机电企业的库存和成本,并使企业将精力集中在核心业务上,以提高竞争力。