向前,前进 forward (l02/l03); go ahead向…方向前进 head for (=move towards); head for(=move towards)向前,前进,正砗 ahead向前进带 transport forward向前进料 forward feed向前进行 linefeed船侧向前进港 enter the harbour broadside on请继续向前进 go ahead please向前进;继续下去 go ahead自动向前进给 automatic forward feed朝某个方向前进 head off to机头向前进机库 nose docking向反对方向前进 countermarch队伍朝西山的方向前进 the contingent marched in the direction of the western hills推开别人前进,挤着向前 push one’s way向前 forward; onward; ahead 采取向前看的态度 adopt a forward-looking attitude; 奋勇向前 forge ahead; 向前看! (口令) eyes front!; ready, front!; (向前方看) look ahead带领群众朝着正确的方向前进 guide the masses in the correct direction1927年底,他带领武装农民进入赣南山区. In late 1927 he led the armed peasants into the hills of south Jiangxi.千难万险不灰心,昂首阔步向前进 never say "die; up, man , and try正车在前向前提前前进船前方 ahead前进 1.(向前行动或发展) advance; go forward; forge ahead; make progress; march 大踏步前进 make big strides forward; 继续前进 continue to make progress; 摸索前进 feel one's way; 破浪前进 breast the waves; 全速前进 go forward at full speed; 前进中的问题 problems accompanying our advance and development; 工作稳步前进。 the work is progressing steadily. 他们在大雪中无法前进。 they made no progress in the heavy snow.2.[穴位] qianjin向前,向前,向前 move on, move on, move on更向前 further along李向前 xiang-qian li刘向前 xiang-qian liu向前结转 carried back向前接续信道 preceding channel
Our trade and development program will facilitate our progress . 我们的贸易和发展计划将推动我们向前进 。 As the city moved ahead, the gulf between country and town widened alarmingly . 城市向前进 步。乡村和城市的鸿沟越来越深得惊人。 Thanks . it ' s your encouragement that keeps me going 谢谢, ?的鼓励让我持续向前进 。 The enemy was put to flight by the advancing army 部队向前进 ,赶跑了敌人 The enemy was put to flight by the advancing army 部队向前进 ,赶跑了敌人 The enemy advanced , killing and plundering as they went 敌人向前进 ,一路杀人和掠夺。 Now that he " s gone , how do we move forward , or if 既然他已经不在了我们为什么不向前进 呢? The troops were firing away at the advancing enemy 军队正向前进 中的敌人连续不断地射击。 The command directing that a carry be forwarded 指示向前进 位的命令。 It summoned him onward - onward to the festival ! - but 乐声召唤他向前进 ,乐声召唤他去赴宴!