扬眉吐气 a feeling of exaltation upon fulfillment; appear very proud and self- satisfied; be elated; be bold and elated; exhale freely and expand the eyebrows--attain one's purpose; feel proud; feel proud and happy; hold (up) one's head (high); in high feather [spirits]; stand up with head high; put on airs; walk with one's head held high; with one's chin up
Blow into his mouth until you see his chest rise 向其吐气直至看到其胸部有起落。
Compressed chest , fever , vomiting and poor appetite 胸口发闷发热不舒服想呕吐吐气。
In the subtle gap between breaths , you are at your center 在那空中,在吸气和吐气之间,你在你的中心。
We have left , right nose , is that the same for inhale and exhale 我们有左边、右边鼻孔,吸气、吐气时有没有一样?
Do you notice the moment we wake up , which side breathes faster ? left or right 我们起床时,可以注意哪边吸气、吐气比较快?左边或右边?
When the whole universe is breathing in , it expands ; when the whole universe breathes out , it contracts 当整个宇宙吸气时,宇宙扩张;当整个宇宙吐气时,宇宙收缩。
And eating too much salt americans eat nearly double the upper limit for good health all increase the risk 征兆症状不活动的每天用几分钟深呼吸然后慢慢吐气将能有效降低血压。
When having headache , try to close right nose and use your left nose to do your breathing , about 5 min , headache will be gone 平常头痛时可以用手把右边鼻孔关起来,只用左边鼻孔吸气、吐气,约五分钟,头痛就好了。
To do low breathing , when you inhale you push the stomach gently forwards with no strain . when exhaling you allow the stomach to return to its normal position 吸气时缓缓的推动胃向前,此时腹部会微微隆起,吐气时腹部会回复到原本的状态。
10 exhale slowly bending forward , touching the earth with respect until the hands are in line with the feet , head touching knees 第十式吐气,左脚缩回,弯腰,双手贴地,双脚并拢与地面垂直,额头尽量贴近双膝,小腹与胸贴大腿,与第三式相似。