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音标:[ kǒuzhūbǐfá ]  发音:  


  • condemn [lash out at] both in speech and in writing; condemn both by word of mouth and in writing;condemn by speech and in writing; denounce both by spoken word and writing; denounce by tongue and pen


  • But many of adams's most vocal and unrelenting critics turned out to be republicans .
  • Adam began to consider that he may ha ve been a bit hasty
  • He kept the adrenalin flowing with off - and - on feuds with his critics
  • Yi ' s agent of record , dan fegan , has been made the fall guy by many in the court of public opinion
  • Moaning about sports stars ' earnings , as well as those of pop singers and television celebri - ties , was once the preserve of british chief executives
  • The washington times ran an op - ed piece lambasting him for holding a fund - raising breakfast for hillary clinton , “ the scariest spectral [ sic ] of conservative nightmares ”
    《华盛顿时报》开设的社论版以他为希拉里?克林顿举办募款早餐会为由对之口诛笔伐,称他为“保守主义者最为恐怖惊惧(原文如此)的噩梦” 。
  • The way he is being attacked by shawn yu for ten years parallels to the fact that hong kong movies are being " attacked " by local movie critics and audience for a long time since the decadence of the hong kong film industry in the mid 1990s
  • His character is the representative of hong kong cinema . the way he is being attacked by shawn yu for ten years parallels to the fact that hong kong movies are being " attacked " by local movie critics and audience for a long time since the decadence of the hong kong film industry in the mid 1990s
  • Every action , every decision taken and every comment made by a civil servant today runs the risk of being subject to the minute scrutiny of a vocal and critical media , well - organised community groups , the legislature and any of the other monitoring bodies which make up the special administrative region s administrative framework
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • 口诛笔伐的泰文
  • 口诛笔伐的法语:critiquer oralement et par écrit;stigmatiser de vive voix et par la plum
  • 口诛笔伐的日语:〈成〉口頭や文章で他人の罪状を暴露し攻撃すること. 对卖国的言论进行口诛笔伐/売国的言論に発言?文章で批判する.
  • 口诛笔伐的韩语:【성어】 말과 글로 남의 죄상을 폭로하다.
  • 口诛笔伐的俄语:pinyin:kǒuzhūbǐfá громить (обличать) словом и пером
  • 口诛笔伐什么意思:kǒu zhū bǐ fá 【解释】从口头和书面上对坏人坏事进行揭露和声讨。 【出处】明·汪廷讷《三祝记·同谪》:“他捐廉弃耻,向权门富贵贪求,全不知口诛笔伐是诗人句,垄上璠间识者羞。 【拼音码】kzbf 【用法】联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;表示对坏人坏事的揭发与批评 【英文】condemn both in speeches and in writings
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