厂矿道路设计规范 code for design of road in factories and mining areas
企业 enterprise; establishment; business 创办新企业 launch a new enterprise; 公私合营企业 a state-private enterprise; 国营企业 state-owned enterprise; 工矿企业 factories, mines and other enterprises; 毫无利润的企业 an enterprise fruitless of profit; 外商独资企业 sole foreign-funded enterprises; 有利可图的企业 a paying proposition; 中外合资企业 sino-foreign joint-venture business; 中外合作企业 sino-foreign co-operative enterprises; 企业背景 business background; 企业标准 company standard; enterprise standard; 企业财务 business finance; 企业承包 contracting by enterprise; 企业成本 cost in business; business cost; 企业倒闭 business failure; 企业发展规划 enterprise expansion projects; 企业发展基金 enterprise expansion fund; venture expansion fund; 企业法 business law; 企业分配关系 income distribution in enterprise; 企业工会 enterprise union; 企业公司 enterprise-like corporation; business corporation; 企业顾问 business consultant; 企业管理 management of enterprise; businessadministration; business management; 企业横向经济联合 horizontal economic ties between enterprises; 企业基金 enterprise fund; business fund; 企业基金制 enterprise fund system; 企业集团 business conglomerate; consortium; enterprise groups [association]; group [association] of enterprises; conglomeration; 企业技术改造 technological transformation of enterprises; 企业家 entrepreneur; business executives; enterpriser; industrialist; 企业界 business circles; 企业经营机制 managerial mechanism of enterprise; 企业经营经济学 managerial economics; 企业经济责任制 system of economic responsibility of enterprises; 企业景气 business condition; 企业救济 unemployment relief is administered by enterprises.; 企业亏损 loss of enterprise; 企业类型 form of business enterprise; 企业利润留成比例 proportion of profits retained by enterprise; 企业利润率 earning ratio; 企业破产 business failures; 企业生产能力 productive capacity of enterprise; 企业实用技术 enterprise operative technology; 企业税 taxes on enterprises; 企业所得税 business income tax; 企业所有权与经营权分开 separate enterprise ownership from managerial authority; 企业停业清理 voluntary winding-up; 企业往来帐户 business account; 企业文化 enterprise culture; 企业责任 business accountability; 企业折旧基金 depreciation funds earmarked for enterprises; 企业资本帐户 firm capital account; 企业自决权 right of self-decision of the enterprise; 企业自有资金 funds at the disposal of enterprises; enterprise's own resources; 企业自治 enterprise autonomy; 企业自主权 the power of decision of enterprises; 企业租赁制 enterprise-leasing system; 企业组织法 law of business organization
Sincerely offer good services for mining and ore plants 竭诚为广大厂矿企业服务。
Survey on occupational hazards in 76 enterprises in guanyun county 鲁南地区厂矿企业职业卫生现状调查
Occupational hygienic status in some shoemaking private enterprises in lunan area 临沂市厂矿企业职业卫生现状及对策
Development of new intelligent controller based on the communication of can bus 厂矿企业自备电厂电气参量监视系统的研制
Factory protecting fence 厂矿企业围栏
Exchanging information mutually , seeking business cooperation and creating more business opportunities 国内外各厂矿企业公司民营单位:
At present , we use the vernier caliper to measure the diameter of steel rope by manual work 目前,厂矿企业仍沿用人工利用游标卡尺进行抽点检测法来测量提升钢丝绳的直径。
In our country , the steel rope abrasion of lifting devices in mine factories and other factories is very common 在我国,厂矿企业所使用的提升设备都普遍存在着钢丝绳磨损的问题。
Reactive power compensation which is abroad used in the end of lines and large corporations have good effects in reducing power losses 摘要无功补偿广泛应用于线路末端和大型厂矿企业,能很好地降损增益。
Abstract : the special feature of sdh and its dominant position in long distance communication of factories and mines were described , and an engineering design was llustrated 文摘:论述了sdh同步数字传输系统的特点及在厂矿企业远距离通信中的优势,并结合实例介绍了其工程设计方式。