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音标:[ xièzé ]  发音:  


  • shirk the responsibility


  • Red - dots disclaimer in respect of feedback , message , forum , bulletin boards and other users supplied materials
  • Second , while team production permits economics of scale to be realized , it has done so at the cost of worker alienation and shirking
  • Do check the terms and disclaimers of an e - shopping site before acquiring its service , e . g . check statements for personal privacy
  • What should not happen is that a strong and powerful government abuses its powers , shirks its responsibilities , blames professional bodies for incompetence , buttresses its authority and seeks administrative convenience at the expense of competitiveness
  • In other words everyone will have a chance to express his or her view . in addition to face - to - face expression of views there are many other ways using faxes , mails , using our website and even telephoning us . i can promise any members of the public that we will listen to their views carefully and take them into account
  • In other words everyone will have a chance to express his or her view . in addition to face - to - face expression of views there are many other ways using faxes , mails , using our website and even telephoning us . i can promise any members of the public that we will listen to their views carefully and take them into account


  • 卸责的泰文
  • 卸责的日语:責任を逃れる.責任を転嫁する. 对于这件事情你不能卸责/この事については君は責任を逃れられない.
  • 卸责的韩语:[동사] (1)책임을 벗다. 책임을 회피하다. (2)책임을 남에게 전가하다. (3)【전용】 사직하다.
  • 卸责的俄语:pinyin:xièzé 1) снимать (с себя) ответственность; свалить (на других) ответственность (вину) 2) слагать с себя служебные обязанности
  • 卸责什么意思:xièzé 推卸责任:推委~。
卸责的英文翻译,卸责英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译卸责,卸责的英文意思,卸責的英文卸责 meaning in English卸責的英文卸责怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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