卫生 hygienism; hygiene; health; sanitation 个人卫生 personal hygiene; 公共卫生 public health; 环境卫生 environmental sanitation; 讲卫生 pay attention to hygiene; 饭前不洗手, 不卫生。 it is unsanitary to eat without washing one's hands.; 卫生标准 hygienic standard; 卫生带 sanitary towel; sanitary napkin; 卫生队 medical unit; medical team; 卫生防疫站 sanitation and antiepidemic station; 卫生环境 hygienic conditions; 卫生监测 monitoring of hygiene; 卫生间 toilet; 卫生检疫 health quarantine; 卫生教育 hygiene health education; 卫生巾 sanitary napkins; 卫生局 health department; public health bureau; 卫生科 health section; 卫生裤 sweat pants; 卫生筷 hygienic chopsticks; 卫生球 camphor ball; mothball; 卫生所[室] clinic; 卫生衣 sweat shirt; 卫生衣裤 panti-tights; 卫生员 health worker; medical orderly; medic; 卫生院 public health centre; commune hospital; 卫生站 health station; clinic; 卫生知识 hygienic knowledge; (妇女用)卫生纸 wadding; toilet paper
产生所得的纯支出 net income creating expenditure; net income-creating expenditure
中科院上海植生所 shanghai institute of plant physiology chinese academy of sciences
And jesse begat david the king , and david the king begat solomon 耶西生大卫王大卫生所罗门
And jesse begat david the king , and david the king begat solomon . . 耶西生大卫王大卫生所罗门
L had the health department over this morning . they sprayed the walls down 早上我叫卫生所的人来喷过消毒剂
In south africa , they are only available through the private health sector 在南非,只有在一些私人卫生所才提供这些治疗。
Hiv and aids is still an extraordinary public health challenge according to dr . fauci 法奥西说, hiv病毒以及艾滋病仍然是公共卫生所遇到的不寻常挑战。
A ceremony offering medicine and fogging machines to local villagers and the health office of matara 捐赠药品及提供喷雾消毒机给马塔拉灾区的村民和卫生所
Those changes come as concern over corporations ' responsibility for public health has been growing 企业对公众卫生所应承担的责任越来越受到关注,那些改变就随之产生了。
Basic health units and field hospitals have been established ; three hundred thousand children have been vaccinated 已建立基本卫生所和现场医院; 30万名儿童已接种疫苗。
In the meantime , i went home and found a message that my son was in the nurse ' s office at school with a 101 temperature 在这期间,我回到家,听电话答录机留言,说我儿子在学校的卫生所高烧101华氏度。
Like most elementary schools , it was typical to have a parade of students in and out of the health clinic throughout the day 和别的那些小学一样,这是个典型的学校,每天都会有许多学生在卫生所进进出出。