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  • cartier
  • cattier


  • Mr cartier claimed that he was seduced by junk mail from credit companies
  • Cartier ' s voyages to eastern canada helped other explorers who would establish french - speaking canada
  • As the couple went on trial , there was no sign that their surviving children had come to terms with their parents " actions
  • He and his wife face up to life imprisonment for murder and attempted murder when the verdicts are announced today
  • " if any of the children wanted something , i had to give it . and then , to be fair , i had to give it to the others too .
  • Patricia cartier , a care worker , was in tears as she told the court that she injected insulin taken from the old people ' s home where she worked into each of the children
  • The court heard that the cartiers , both struggling in poorly - paid jobs , juggled debts between a succession of credit companies as they splashed out on electrical goods and clothing
  • The doses of insulin administered to two brothers and two sisters in august 2002 , and by their mother to herself , proved too weak to kill , while the attempts of alicia ' s father to slash his wrists left him with no more than scratches
  • By the time they had decided on murder and suicide , they had 17 credit cards - six of which had been cancelled by the issuers - and an assortment of loans , owing a total of more than ? 160 , 000 . but only one of the children , 11 - year - old alicia , died
    据英国每日电讯报10月19日报道,法国博韦的这家法院日前宣布, 2002年8月,帕特丽夏卡蒂埃和伊曼纽尔卡蒂埃夫妇决定给自己的5个孩子注射过量胰岛素,欲将他们全部毒死。


  • 卡蒂埃什么意思:[Cartier, George Etienne] (1814.9.6,下加拿大 圣安托万~1873.5.20,英格兰 伦敦) 加拿大政治家,1858~1862年与J.麦克唐纳同任加拿大总理。1848年以自由党人身份选入加拿大立法会议,1857年任加拿大东区总检察长。1858年他代表加拿大东区与麦克唐纳结成联盟,并努力改善加拿大境内的英国后裔与法国后裔的关系。他还支持修筑横贯加拿大东部的大干线铁路...
卡蒂埃的英文翻译,卡蒂埃英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译卡蒂埃,卡蒂埃的英文意思,卡蒂埃的英文卡蒂埃 meaning in English卡蒂埃的英文卡蒂埃怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。