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  • katalin


  • On may 21 , 1980 , katharian brow , 48 , had been found murdered in the home that she shared with her husband , charles
    1980年5月21日, 48岁的卡塔琳娜?布劳在与其丈夫查尔斯共有的家里被发现遭到了谋杀。
  • The triplets , afredo , catarin and halily , weren ' t sure at first if they wanted the extra siblings , anzaldo said
    安扎尔多说,他们的三胞胎- -阿弗里多、卡塔琳和哈里里一开始并不确定他们想不想再有兄弟姐妹。
  • The triplets , afredo , catarin and halily , were n ' t sure at first if they wanted the extra " they wanted one baby and no more , " he said . since then , they have accepted their new brothers and sisters , magdaleno said
    安扎尔多说,他们的三胞胎-阿弗里多卡塔琳和哈里里一开始并不确定他们想不想再有兄弟姐妹, “他们只想要一个,不想要更多。 ”
  • The triplets , afredo , catarin and halily , weren t sure at first if they wanted the extra siblings , anzaldo said . " they wanted one baby and no more , " he said . since then , they have accepted their new brothers and sisters , magdaleno said
    安扎尔多说,他们的三胞胎-阿弗里多卡塔琳和哈里里一开始并不确定他们想不想再有兄弟姐妹, “他们只想要一个,不想要更多。 ”
  • The triplets , afredo , catarin and halily , were n ' t sure at first if they wanted the extra siblings , anzaldo said . " they wanted one baby and no more , " he said . since then , they have accepted their new brothers and sisters , magdaleno said
    安扎尔多说,他们的三胞胎-阿弗里多卡塔琳和哈里里一开始并不确定他们想不想再有兄弟姐妹, “他们只想要一个,不想要更多。 ”
  • While firefighters on california ' s catalina island wrapping up their efforts to put out the 4 , 000 - acre blaze , others are battling a wildfire in georgia and north florida that ' s torched more than 280 square miles
  • While firefighters on california ' s catalina island wrapping up their efforts to put out the 4 , 000 - acre blaze , others are battling a wildfire in georgia and north florida that ' s torched more than 280 square miles
卡塔琳的英文翻译,卡塔琳英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译卡塔琳,卡塔琳的英文意思,卡塔琳的英文卡塔琳 meaning in English卡塔琳的英文卡塔琳怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。