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音标:[ dānguǒ ]  发音:  


  • simple fruit


  • The yield and the average fruit weight ( afw ) of ct and ai were significantly higher than those of ck
  • Yuhuang pear is introduced from korea . the average weight of every pear is 350g . total soluble solids is14 . 5 % . it is harvested in late august
    属砂梨系统。南韩品种,平均单果重350克可溶性固形物14 . 5 % , 8月下旬成熟。
  • Golden pear is introduced from korea . the average weight of every pear is 450g . golden pear is15 % . it is harvested in late september
    属砂梨系统。南韩品种。平均单果重450克,可溶性固形物15 % ,九月中下旬成熟,综合品质较好。
  • Xingao pear is introduced from japan . the average weight of every pear is 400g . total soluble solid content is14 % . it is harvested in early october
    属于砂梨系统。日本品种,平均单果重400克,可溶性固形物14 % , 10月上旬成熟。
  • Determinate type , mid - matured variety , oblong fruit , 15 - 20g / fruit , yellow color , excellent flavor , good shipping quality
    植株有限生长型,中熟。果实长椭圆形,单果重15 - 20克,成熟果黄色,口感风味好,耐贮运,适宜保护地和露地栽培。
  • Xinxing pear is introduced from japan . the average weight of every pear is 400g . total soluble solid content is13 . 5 % , it is harvested in late october
    属砂梨系统。日本品种,平均单果重400克,可溶性固形物13 . 5 % , 10月中下旬成熟。
  • Areoponics ( ac ) and soil culture ( ck ) were compared in spring production ( 2005 ) with the shanqi recipe of tomato nutrient solution
  • Aidang pear is introduced from japan . the average weight of every pear is 2100g . total soluble solid content is12 . 7 % . it is harvested in middle october
    原产日本平均单果重415克,最大2100克,可溶性固形物含量12 . 7 %果实成熟期10月中旬。
  • Three cultivars of strawberry , breeded in japan , were selected to study the effects of different greenhouse temperature treatment in a . m . and at night on weight per fruit and brix
  • The result showed that under low light environment plant height / stem diameter increased , while dry weight , specific leaf weight , leaf number , fruit rate , average fruit weight and average plant yield decreased
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • 单果的泰文
  • 单果的韩语:[명사]〈식물〉 단화과(單花果). =[单花果]
  • 单果的俄语:pinyin:dānguǒ бот. простая костянка (плод)
  • 单果什么意思:dānguǒ 果实的一类,由一朵花的一个成熟子房发育而成。如桃、李、杏、棉、向日葵等的果实。也叫单花果。
单果的英文翻译,单果英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译单果,单果的英文意思,單果的英文单果 meaning in English單果的英文单果怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。