议定 agreed◇议定结论 agreed conclusion; 议定贸易量 agreed quantity of trade; 议定文本 agreed text
定义 1.(确切而简要的说明) definition; delimiting 确切的定义 an exact definition; 给一个词下定义要比举例说明它的用法困难。 to give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use.2.(给以确切而简要的说明) define 被定义为 ... be defined as ..
协议 1.(协商) agree on 一致协议的文件 a document unanimously agreed upon2.(协商取得的一致意见) agreement; understanding; treaty; deal; composition 口头协议 verbal agreement; 达成协议 reach an agreement; come to an agreement; 撕毁协议 tear up an agreement
We can define bindings for all kinds of different protocols 我们可以为所有类型的不同协议定义绑定。
Element that defines a delivery channel for the built - in file delivery protocol 元素,该元素为内置文件传递协议定义传递通道。
If necessary , you can define multiple delivery channels for a single delivery protocol 如有必要,可以为一个传递协议定义多个传递通道。
A class which uses services from a protocol provider class , defined by a protocol 协议用户:某种协议定义的使用协议提供类中的服务的类。
The protocol defines a messaging framework that contains no application or transport semantics 该协议定义一个不包含任何应用程序或传输语义的消息处理框架。
Information processing systems . open systems interconnetion . basic connection oriented session protocol definition 信息处理系统.开式系统互连,会议用基本接线协议定义
At microsoft , our engineers contribute to the efforts of the w3c working groups who define and set standards for xml and other web protocols 在microsoft ,我们的工程师协助w3c工作小组的工作,为xml和其他web协议定义和制订标准。
The detailed content of wtls protocol , including encoding methods , datagram format , running process and cipher suites defined by the protocol . 3 然后详细介绍了wtls协议的内容,包括编码方式、交换报文的格式、运行流程以及协议定义的算法簇。
Telecontrol equipment and systems . part 6 : telecontrol protocols compatible with iso standards and itu - t recommendations . section 502 : tase . 1 protocol definitions 遥控设备和系统.第6部分:与iso标准和itu - t推荐标准相一致的遥控协议.第503节: tase . 1协议定义
First , the thesis describes the architecture and features of usb , including the bus attributes , the protocol definition , types of transactions , power management , and so on 本论文首先介绍usb的体系结构和特点,包括总线特征、协议定义、传输方式和电源管理等等。