It has been well documented recently that juventus ' main target for their strikeforce is werder bremen striker miroslav klose 不断有新闻爆料尤文的首要目标是不来梅的克劳泽。
" we have not discussed klose . he is a great forward , plays for the national team and has great qualities "我们没有讨论过克劳泽,他是一名伟大的前锋,是现役国脚,拥有非常棒的能力.
“ he ' s not wanted by as many clubs as klose , but i think he is just as good as the werder bremen player "他不像克劳泽那样有很多俱乐部对他感兴趣,但是我认为他拥有和这名不莱梅的球员一样的实力.
The turin newspaper says klose , 28 , will arrive as a direct replacement for trezeguet , who will be the subject of an irresistible offer from united 这家都灵的报纸报道, 28岁的克劳泽,将接替曼联为之开出了不可抗拒的合同的特雷泽盖
“ klose is the best and strongest germany player around right now , ” added the euro ’ 96 winner . “ however , he ' s being chased by a lot of clubs "克劳泽是当前德国最好最强壮的球员, "这名96欧洲杯得主补充道, "然而,他正在被很多俱乐部追逐.
Tuttosport says juve directors are so convinced trezeguet will move to united during the winter market that they ' re already putting together a package for werder bremen centre - forward miroslav klose 据都灵体育报批露,尤文管理层在冬季转会市场将把特雷泽盖出售给曼联,与此同时,他们为不莱梅的中锋克劳泽准备了一份合同
The bianconeri are already targeting four of diego ' s teammates , miroslav klose , nando , per mertesacker and thorsten frings and had scouts in the stands for werder ' s clash with borussia monchengladbach last weekend 斑马军团已经盯上迭戈的4名队友:克劳泽,纳尔多,模特萨克和弗林斯.并派了几名球探观看了上周不莱梅与门兴格拉德巴赫的比赛